Chapter 14

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Sebastian seemed to stare at me the entire time I sat in the library studying.

The trial had happened a few days ago and now I was just trying to study for a charms test. The library was quiet. It was maybe around nine o'clock at night. We were the only ones there besides the librarian I think.

Sebastian sat across from me propping his face up with the palm of his hand. He had a book opened in front of him but he made no effort to look like he was reading.

"Yes, Sebastian?" I finally asked.

"When you did the curse on Giselle... how did you feel?"

I glanced up from my book. He looked genuinely worried. "Why?" I asked slightly offended.

His brows furrowed together. "I'm just a little worried is all. It can be mentally taxing."

I thought about the anger I felt just before casting it and the power I felt after at The way Giselle seemed to look up in horror while on the ground in pain.

"It didn't really feel anything." I lied.

I'm not sure why I even did lie. Maybe I was afraid he'd judge me. Not that Sebastian Sallow really has room to judge.

"Just maybe refrain from doing it again." He suggested.

"Of course."

He looked at me for a long hard time before nodding and getting up. He kissed me on top of the head.

"I'm feeling extra tired tonight so I'm heading back first. You want me to wait and walk you back to your common room?"

I smiled and shook my head, "I'll be fine."

He leaned down and gave me a soft peck before leaving the library.

I studied for a few more hours before I got sleepy. I put the book back on the shelf when I began to feel so tired I felt like I couldn't even walk back.

Had I not been sleeping well? I'm sure I had.

I closed my eyes rubbing my forehead. I thought I had only done this for a few seconds but when I opened my eyes I was suddenly in the map chamber with my wand drawn. I looked around confused when I realized something was pulling in my robe.

"Ava? Did you finally come too?" Ominis asked. He had a death grip on my robe as if he had been pulling me back

"Ominis? What happened? How did I get down here? And you aren't supposed to be down here."

He let go of my robe, "I was up late when I heard you walking by. I recognized your steps and your perfume. I tried to call after you but you didn't say anything so I followed you down here trying to stop you." He took a breath, "I think you were trying to open the repository. That's why you are holding your wand."

I quickly put my wand away. "Let's get you out of here," I mumbled embarrassed.

I was just leaving the library and suddenly I was across the school. I may need to ask Poppy to barricade our dorm room door.

"Ominis," I began to ask as we walked up the spiral stairs, "can we maybe not mention this to anyone? Sebastian has been acting strange since the trial. He keeps looking at me like something is wrong."

Ominis nodded, "I won't tell anyone, but is there anyone you can talk to about this?"

The only person I was ever able to talk to about anything was Professor Fig.

"Not really anymore. The keepers don't go to their portraits in the map chamber anymore."

"Well, I know you are trying to have a normal last year... but maybe look In the restricted section." Ominis patted my shoulder and began to head toward his common room. Only then did I realize we were back near the potions class. "Get some real rest, Ava."

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now