The Day We Met - Episode 1

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This story begins in Doccy Spelly's POV 😩✨

I wake up with my toes dangling off the edge of my bed, i notice my pet hamster nibbling the crust off my cute lil footies and it gave me a tingling sensation, that's when I realise it's my first day of school!1!1 I quickly hopped off my bed and tidying up my cocomelon bed sheets and my aesthetic cute quirky squishmallows like a cute little anime boy should and I hide the skid marks left on my bed sheets from last night incase a handsome sexy devil decides to sleep in my bed tonight. I get out of my hello kitty pyjamas and dance to my favourite cupcakke remix and repeat the lyrics word by word like a cute sexy babe should. Suddenly I hear a loud growl from down stairs and it's my cute sexy boyfriend roaring at me, he's a little abusive but personally I think it makes him proper fit and well sexy. I quickly put on my Japanese school girl uniform that I bought used off ebay, I couldn't afford it but I gave him my ✨special✨ doccy spelly service which convinced him to let me have it for free ☺️✨, then I roll up my sexy cute hot babe thigh highs and I think "damn what a babe, hopefully my sexy beast agrees" I suddenly hear an even louder growl and before I leave I take a hot steamy piss and after I pick up my cocomelon school bag that my discord daddy bought for me. It's time to go!! I run to school with my mini skirt seductively flowing through the wind and I put on my primark thong so everyone can see these juicy cheeks!! Eek im so excited for my first day as a year 7!!! Once I get to the school I trip over a year 4 who got drop kicked off s block on the way to school, my luscious locs cutely flow as I'm falling in slow motion, I thought my life would be over and I would crack my head open like a fat bald egg, but no!! It's a year 11 and he caught me, his muscular arms are wrapped around me and he's well sexy, he might of shagged half the girls in this school but I could tell that he's a proper fittie 😩 i look up and see his sexy beast grin staring down at me, he's so tall!! I'm a weally shwort baka compwared to hwim!! hes a sexy 6'9 beast while im 2'1 omg im inlove!! I know I have a boyfriend but who says you can't have a sneaky link!! I have to get his discord!!!! >~< He introduces himself as Richard and I let out a cute hot babe giggle and blush as I realise I'm still in his arms. I giggle, "hewwo, m-m-my name I-i-is doccy s-spewwy!!" 🥺🥺I look up and see that he's already gone, but what's left behind is a note with his discord user name, it reads 'BigDdaddy#6969' omg he's so cute!! I run to the assembly, skipping in joy!! >_<

thank you for reading the first episode of this story, i have OBVIOUSLY put a lot of effort and idk if I cba to make another one but let's just wait and see!!! Bye my lovelies 😩✨

Cheeky Grin From Doccy SpellyWhere stories live. Discover now