Rebel Girl

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Cassandra's next date was with Deuce that Sunday. He had planned the whole thing himself, and had told her rather excitedly to meet him in the mirror chamber at eight o'clock that night during breakfast, and to dress practically for the evening chill. Cassandra had just smiled at his antics and nodded, not wanting to ask too many questions and ruin the surprise for herself.

Cassandra walked through the dorm mirror and looked around for Deuce in the near-pitch black chamber. She was dressed in her usual casual outfit of her leather jacket, black jeans with chains, combat boots, fingerless gloves and her dragon t-shirt. She had, however, decided to do something a bit more flashy with her makeup; her usually normal black eyeliner was winged and much more prominent, and her lips were painted a brighter red than usual. She had a feeling it would be suited to the mysterious venue. Once she realized Deuce wasn't there yet, she went to stand in the center of the room to wait for him, arms crossed. After a few moments, an unfamiliar voice broke the silence.

"Going out?", a deep, smooth voice asked. Cassandra turned around and focused her eyes on the stranger, who stood by the Octavinelle mirror. Cassandra managed to make out his features in the dark.

He was tall, taller than her by at least three or four inches, which was certainly a feat. His hair was a short teal, with a single long streak of gray hair framing the left side of his face. His skin seemed pale, almost glowing in what little natural light they had from the half moon above, and he wore a single earring with three almost scale-like teal objects dangling from it. All he wore was a white lab coat over a white button-up, with gray uniform pants and shiny black uniform shoes, as well as black gloves like most of the student body, but what got Cassandra were his eyes.

They were two beautiful colors; the right one a bright yellow and the left one a dull olive, and they both seemed to glow in the dark. Cassandra narrowed her eyes at the stranger, wondering whether he was friend or foe, when he chuckled.

"No need to look so suspicious, I was merely out tending to some mushrooms in the botanical garden. They can only be tended to at night, you see; just a little souvenir I picked up on my club's latest excursion.", the heterochromatic man said, before he smirked a bit, shiny white teeth flashing just a bit.

"Though, I do wonder why you are out so late. Curfew for using the mirror gates for anything other than school activities was called an hour ago. I sincerely hope you weren't thinking of leaving Campus tonight.", the man said meanly. Cassandra noticed his voice sounded infuriatingly patronizing; as if he had the power to lord this over her and he knew it.

'As fucking if.', she thought, before her look turned hateful and she took a threatening step towards the man. She was expecting Deuce any minute now and she refused to have their lovely evening together ruined by this asshole.

"I'm gonna stop you right there, you odd-eyed prick. If you think for even an iota of a second I give a damn what you or Crowley has to say about what I can and can't do, then you have another thing coming. You saw the video like everyone else; you know I don't care, and even if Crowley does, I doubt you wanna snitch and deal with the consequences. Haven't you heard that snitches get stitches?", Cassandra asked rhetorically, before angrily marching up to the strange man, who was looking rather fearful, though he himself had no idea why he felt this way. This fear was so out of character for him; it was as if some primal part of him knew to fear the woman before him. When she was mere inches away from him, Cassandra yanked him down to eye level by his shirt collar.

"My time is a precious commodity, so I'll keep this short. You might be some hotshot back in Octavinelle or whatever dorm you belong to, but that doesn't mean shit to me. I'm too damn busy and too damn tired of people like you's bullshit to give a flying fuck about what some doofenshmirtz rip-off twink with nothing better to do, has to say about my life.", the girl hissed in his face, before she tightened her grip on his collar and yanked him so close to her face their noses were almost touching.

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