Day 16- Country you'd wish as a character?

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Sami, that would be amazing! Okay, well, Sami isn't a country, but anyway. Sami (Sápmi) is a region in the northern parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland (sorry Iceland+Denmark). Oh, and extreme northwestern Russia! The main languages are Northern Sami, Eastern Sami and Southern Sami, and they're actually quite different to each other. Their flag is awesome but also quite hard to draw.. They're also known as Lapps-- yup. Santa is a Sami, and your circle (of life) is a lie. They sing in a style called joiking-it's not yodelling- if you want to listen to some, search Sofia Jannok, she's an awesome person!

Sorry this is so long.. So as a summary, Sami's human name would be Leainná Turi. She and Finland would probably be frenemies. Sweden would be her foster father- Samis have been discriminated, especially from the 1800s, because of their different culture, but there's a thing called Caught By Umeå, it happens every year, and it's about everyone, including Samis, that moved into Umeå. Sorry for the long explanation..

Two facts:
-Some people in Frozen are Sami, with more modern clothes, like in the media (if it's visible)
-There are some Sami immigrants in America, and anyone there who says that they have Nordic or Norwegian are most likely to also have Sami ancestry!

Okay, I'm done.. Mannet dearvan! (goodbye, to more than two people)

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