Chapter 2

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When I went into my classroom I got a few stares from my classmates. I ignored them and sat down. The teacher came into our classroom and started the lesson. A few minutes later the phone rang. Our teacher picked up the phone and his eyes opened wide in shock. He put the phone down and looked at us. 

"Class is over, please go home." He told us.

People were whispering all around the room wondering what was going on. Since class is canceled and the cafe is closed today I went to the campus library to read. I didn't want to go home this early since my parents probably have something to yell about. 

I found a book and sat down at one of the tables and started reading. It was called Burn Me. It was about a boy who had the power of fire but he didn't know how to control it. One day his power got out of control and he killed his parents. After that, he tried many attempts of suicide or burning himself alive but I never worked. 

"Why are you here?" I heard a soft voice say. I looked up to see a man in black clothing with a mask. "You should be at home," He said. 

"I don't want to go home," I said with fear in my voice.

He took a seat beside me, "What are you reading?" He asked, changing the conversation. I closed the book and showed him. He looked at it with wide eyes, "May I hold it?" I nodded

He took the book and skimmed through the pages. "Where did you find this?"  He asked looking at me.

"I found it on one of the shelves here," I responded " It looked interesting so I decided to read it. Have you read it before?"

"I have read it many times." He said putting the book in front of me. "You should keep reading it." 

I smiled under my mask and put the book in my bag. 

"Can I walk you home?" He asked. 

I paused at the thought of home "Umm sure."

We both got up from our seats, went outside and started walking. "By the way what's your name?"

"Taemin," I responded shyly 

"That's a beautiful name" He responded which made me a bit red.

We reached my house and the man wanted to go up to the door with me because he wanted to make sure I was safe. Before I could open the door my mother opened it looking confused. 

"Taemin, who's this?" She asked me 

Before I could answer her the man spoke up, "I hope you don;t mind. I was just walking him home to make sure he was safe."

"Would you like to come in for some coffee?" She asked smiling. He nodded and went inside the house. 

Before I could come inside the house I saw my father as red as a tomato. My father came over to me and dragged me to my room. 

"What did we tell you about talking to other people?" He whispered harshly so the man downstairs couldn't hear us.

"Don't talk to anyone or they may find out that my parents are hurting me," I responded

"And what did you do?" I stayed silent. Once I saw my father going to get a metal rod from the corner of my room I knew I made a mistake.

He came up to me and hit me in the ribs with the metal rod. I groaned in pain.

"Why did you talk to him?!" He asked more frustrated than earlier.

"H-he talked to me first, I'm sorry." I said while tears ran down my face.

"You better be sorry because when that man leaves, we are going to have a very long talk about your behavior today," He told me and left my room.

I stood up and looked in the mirror noticing that my mask was soaking wet from my tears. I took off the mask and threw it away. I went downstairs and grabbed some ointment for my bruise. Trying not to make eye contact with my parents or the man. I went upstairs  to my room and started applying the ointment. The bruise went down to my abdomen and up to my chest. I winced from the pain. After I was done I put the ointment away and sat down on my bed. I picked up my bag and grabbed the book that was inside it. 


Burn - Taemin x KeyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ