the blue flowers

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Dex's pov

I woke up in willburs arms
He looked so cute and adorable and..... Wait what noo I I don't like him.
Or do I?
Well it looks like it Dex fell so hard for this man the first time she saw him she couldn't thank enough to tubbo going up to the that first they they met she adore his brunet curly hair and his chocolate brown eyes

Knock knock knock
Someone knocked will woke up
Good morning sunshine
Willbur said with a smile
Someone knock again
It was more lauder
it was Tommy aka the child
he burched in
DEX I --
Tubbooo they are having sexxxx!!! My virgin eyes

Wils pov

We're just slept together
not like that you dirty minded bitch
Dex added and also started laughing I mean who would not
But willbur was blushing like crazy
I wish it was like that he mumbled
What were you saying Dex asked
EHHHehh eh omm um nothing don't -don't worry about it
Anyway Tommy said
Dex I need your help me and everyone are going to flower picking bcs we need dye for some weird reason that niki won't tell us
and we will make flower crowns
Ohh alright we will be there in a minute
As Dex and will was getting prepared she say a box on her bed (wilbur was in his room) Dex opened it in there was an lmanburg uniform and a note

Dear Dex
I had this uniform made for you for a while in case you'll come back and you did tubo already got his I hope it will fit see you soon

-with love, wilbur

Awwwww you put on your uniform on it looked rlly good on you but it was a litlebit different than others it was (Imagine you're own lmanburg uniform idk a different colors or something)
You got prepared and you hed out
You were all supposed to meet at the hill in 20 minutes
You went there and started picking flower no one was there yet you wondered why you took a look at the clock once more and oooooohhhhh
You have a fucking hour time well anyways that okay
After some picking you decided to make flower crowns for every one

30 minutes skip

Dex heared foot steps behind her
She turns around and see wilbur
Ig I'm not the only one early here wilbur said jokingly
Yea hey wilbur what flowers are your favorite Dex asked
Well I rlly like the blue flowers
But my favorite flowers is you
Dex blushed at his answer
Well I'm sorry but I can't put my self in a flower crown
Ahhhh wilbur said with a sad tone in his voice
But I can add the blue ones
They continued to talk and making flower crowns finely every come there and helped pick more flower Dex and niki decided to make flower crowns for the whole dsmp
Dex was the one who said
We should make one for dream
Every one look at her wierdly
Well I mean it would be rude
If not
Tommy wanted to say something but eret quickly changed the topic by saying
Btw tomorrow fundy should come
Ohhh yeaaa I finely get to meet him
Everyone continued to have a good time and after while they get back to lmanburg
Well that was I nice day tubs right
Dex asked her brother

(WOOOOOW one day two chapters would not expect THAT from ME huhhh? Anyways have a good time btw I'll just save some ideas to next chapter here so a little spoiler

Eret and Dex
Andddddd hmmmmm il see something with wilbur😏
And dream
But I don't know just ideas

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