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(Alaskan Archipelago Base, 1am)

His name is Neptunite. He has caramel skin and blue and metallic gray eyes. He looks human, speaks like a human, but he isn't one. He's from Neptune, the 8th planet of the solar system, extremely distant from the sun, and an aquatic/icy planet. He's currently chained down a metal wall in a cell on the third planet of the solar system; Earth. There's a guard standing watch, making sure the prisoner doesn't escape. He doesn't know how he ended up on this life sustaining planet. Where the blazes am I? he thought. He struggles to break free, but fails. The cuffs are made from the most durable metal on the planet. "Quit wasting your energy, the cuffs can't be damaged" said the security guard. "Oh, I'm sorry for trying to break free of your cuffs. But I don't recall asking you for a confirmation of it's endurance" Said Neptunite with sass and irritation. "Suit yourself." The guard remained in his post. Neptunite glared at him and continued to struggle to no avail. After a few seconds, he closes his eyes. His wardrobe, a sleeveless crop top with long pants and running shoes turns fuchsia. Following the color change is an inhale, and an exhale. Neptunite begins to meditate. He is calm and focused.


(Alaskan Archipelago Base, 7am)

Neptunite is still biding time while meditating. There is silence, the guard is gone, and the coast is clear. Despite the opportunity, he continues to meditate. A guard comes and checks on him. He's the same guard who stood watch last night. "Rise and shine space scum, we got a long day ahead of us" he says. Neptunite looks up at the guard. Space Scum? What is he, twelve? Ew. he thought before closing his eyes again with no reply. "Hey! I said wake up!" he shouts. Suddenly he hears a voice in his head. It's Neptunite's. "I'm already awake you idiot" he said telepathically. The guard jumps up surprised, shakes the initial shock off, and unlocks the electro-barred door with a card key. He switches the magnetic floor on, and approaches him. Neptunite's metallic cuffs slam to the floor, but fails to knock him out of focus. "You know, I always thought aliens would look a little less...humanoid" said the guard. "Keep testing me and you'll see something a little less...humanoid" Neptunite retorted telepathically. "What? You gonna mentally chat me to death?" said the guard sarcastically. He steps away from the magnetic platform. As he was getting ready to start the transportation process, Neptunite began to speak telepathically again, saying "I honestly could go on for ages, but I've got a flight to catch". "What flight? You're not going anywhere except-" the guard was interrupted by a pulse emitted from Neptunite's body. He opens his eyes, now glowing pink, and sends a telekinetic blast around the area. The guard is flung against the wall of the cell hall, and is knocked unconscious. The blast nullifies the magnetism and allows Neptunite to break free of his cuffs. He forms a hand with his psychic power and switches the magnetism off. "If you really must know, I don't belong on your planet. So I'm getting off of it..." Neptunite said telepathically. He set off a psychic blast at the ceiling, creating an opening through it. He then began to float upwards slowly, and his wardrobe turned back to cerulean, it's original color. His top set of eyes reverted to ocean blue, and the bottom set back to metallic gray. Suddenly he heard a distant sound coming from inside the base. It seemed like a distressed cry. Neptunite hovered and thought about following the cry while looking down at the base. Then, after some thought, he descends back down to the base and follows the sound. It sounds dog-like, yet foreign. Neptunite turned his wardrobe back to fuchsia and cast a mental illusion on most of the base members to avoid being seen. He levitated and searched around the base and heard the cry become clearer. The dog-like animal sounds distressed. Neptunite looked around some more until he found the animal. It's a wolf, but it doesn't look like it's from this planet. It's fur is vast white all over with a blue flame streak patterned fur trailing from It's eyes down to its long tail. Its body looks like it gives off a faint glow. It's lying down, chained to the ground, and unable to move. "You poor thing" said Neptunite worriedly. He thought for a moment and then decided to use his telekinesis to unchain the animal. His psychic illusion wore off as he focused his power on unlocking the cuffs. As he unlocked it, the creature stared at him for a moment. Neptunite stared back and cracked a smile. The wolf then flared it's ears. It heard something in the distance. Neptunite looked around and saw nothing. Then as he looked back to the wolf, he heard someone approaching. It's the guards running to check the cell Neptunite destroyed. "Come on, we have to get out of here" Neptunite said to the creature telepathically. It got up and followed him. "Hey! You there!" A guard shouted at him and the white creature. Neptunite let loose a telekinetic blast, sending the guards flying. "C'mon wolf, we have to go!" He exclaimed. "My name is Yula, thank you very much. And I can't fly!" said the wolf telepathically. Neptunite looked surprised at Yula's ability, then shook it off, levitated her and flew towards his cell. Neptunite was near the exit he made, but saw guards blocking the way out. He hovered for a bit and looked at them. "Behind you!" shouted Yula telepathically. Neptunite looked back and before he could react, he was hit by a metal baton. He fell to the ground and so did Yula. "Ngh...someone's got a mean swing..." Neptunite said in pain. "Put your hands where I can see 'em!" exclaimed one of the guards. "You don't know who you're messing with" said Neptunite with a glare. Yula growled at the armed men. "We've seen it all bub, I think we know what we're dealing with" the man said proudly. "Sure! But let me ask you a question. Do you know what happens when you try to dim a wild flame?" Neptunite asked. The man looked at him and said "With enough dousing, it gets weaker of course! What does that have to do with anything?" Neptunite's wardrobe and eyes turned from fuchsia to orange. He smiles and gets up. "No. That's not what happens" he said as he spreads his arms. The guards prepare to fire. "Allow me to demonstrate" Neptunite said. Flames begin to burst from his arms. A V-Crest made of fire appears on his chest before he releases a heat wave followed by an explosive inferno blast as he gestures two of his four arms forward. Gunshots fired, but the bullets melted as they got close to Neptunite. Yula covered herself, thinking she would get hurt by the flames, but realized that she wasn't affected. The guards were on fire, but they didn't melt. Neptunite blasted fireballs through the walls and flew towards the hole. He then sprouted fire wings, covered himself in the blaze, and created an escape route by charging through more walls. Yula followed as debris turned into ashes. Eventually he broke through the last wall and landed outside. The alarms began to sound as the flames became more intense. "Hop on my back!" Said Neptunite. Yula nodded and got on. Neptunite then ascended up as his wardrobe and flaming V-crest changed into its misty form. He had turned into the air element. Neptunite flew off with Yula on his back, leaving whirlwinds behind him as the base behind them exploded. "And they call that a base? I never knew earth bases were highly flammable" said Neptunite in amusement. "Where are we going? " asked Yula telepathically. "Away from here" He said. And they flew off into the dusky morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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