•Sanctuary in the Library: A Transformative Experience(Remina)•

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As the clock on the wall struck five, I bid farewell to the last few people in the library, feeling relieved that my long day had come to an end. The library had become my sanctuary, and I cherished every moment spent here. I made my way up the stairs to the secret level just above the library, where I had made a makeshift home for myself.

As I climbed the stairs, Fernando, the frog who always perched on my head, spoke up, "Going somewhere, are we?"

"Yes, to take a shower," I replied.

"Well, don't let me stop you," said Fernando.

Finally in the small bathroom, I turned on the water and let it cascade over me. The purification water was pulsically refreshing, and as I wiped away the bloody curses from my skin, I felt a transformation take place. My eyes became dull, my skin regained its blemishes, and my hair shortened to its original length. It was a strange sensation, but one I had grown accustomed to.

After changing into my simple black robe, I greeted Egg, the new rat I had recently found eating a spoiled egg, and fed him. As I made my way out of the library doors and towards the Nether Shrine, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The shrine had a special place in my heart, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

As I arrived at the shrine, I saw a shadowy figure that seemed vaguely familiar."Hey, wait!" I called out, but the figure was already leaving, heading back towards the Marionette empire. I couldn't quite make out who it was, but the feeling of familiarity lingered.

Back in my room, I sat on my bed and turned on my Walkman, hoping to lose myself in music. The music began to play, and I found myself getting lost in the lyrics of Vera Lynn's "We'll Meet Again." Memories flooded back to me, of times before, when things were different.

But then my thoughts shifted to a more painful memory - Caleb's funeral. I stood in front of his grave, tears streaming down my face, and I couldn't help but think how grateful I was that it was raining that day. The rain seemed to mirror the sadness in my heart, and I couldn't imagine the sun shining on such a day. The pain was still raw, and I couldn't help but hate the rain for reminding me of such a painful loss.

As the song played on, I felt warm tears slide down my face, and the bitterness of their taste lingered in my mouth. The lyrics seemed to taunt me, promising a meeting again someday, but the pain of the present moment felt too overwhelming to even consider the possibility of a future reunion.

I remembered a conversation I had with the caretaker while watching raindrops cling to the windowpane."I always like the rain," the caretaker said as we watched raindrops cling to the windowpane."It makes the grass green and feeds the animals."

"I find it gloomy," I replied, feeling the weight of my own sadness.

"But remember," the caretaker said, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder, "the sun will shine again." Those words stuck with me, and I never forgot them.

But then my thoughts shifted to a more painful memory - Caleb's funeral. I stood in front of his grave, tears streaming down my face, and I couldn't help but think how grateful I was that it was raining that day. The rain seemed to mirror the sadness in my heart, and I couldn't imagine the sun shining on such a day. The pain was still raw, and I couldn't help but hate the rain for reminding me of such a painful loss.

As the song played on, I felt warm tears slide down my face, and the bitterness of their taste lingered in my mouth. The lyrics seemed to taunt me, promising a meeting again someday, but the pain of the present moment felt too overwhelming to even consider the possibility of a future reunion.

I overheard the Drifter flying to the spectrum porch.

I quickly wiped away my tears, not wanting the Drifter to see me in such a vulnerable state. But as she approached, I could tell from her gentle voice that she already knew.

"Is everything all right, my dear?" she asked.

I hesitated for a moment, not sure if I wanted to share my pain with her. But something about her presence made me feel safe, and I found myself opening up.

"I was just thinking about Caleb," I said, my voice choking with emotion."It's been months since his funeral, but the pain still feels so fresh."

The Drifter listened attentively, and then spoke in a soothing tone."Grief is a heavy burden to bear, my Marionette of the Empiress. But you must remember that even in the darkest of times, there is still hope. The rain may remind you of your loss, but it also nourishes the earth and brings new life. And just as the rain eventually gives way to sunshine, so too will your pain eventually give way to healing."

Her words resonated with me, and I felt a glimmer of hope in my heart. Maybe there was a chance for healing and moving forward.

"Thank you," I said, my voice barely above a whisper."That means a lot to me."

The Drifter smiled kindly."Anytime, my dear. And now, would you like that cuppa and some homemade bread? I shall provide a quite long story.. Your favorite."

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