Chapter 15

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Poppy and I exited the library. It was late enough that no other students were out. "Im going to take a break. And go check on the animals. Just something to avoid the boys and my apparent uncontrollable magic. If they catch up to you will you-"

"I'll say you went ahead to bed and that he's dumber than a pair of gobb stones" Poppy finished.

I smiled at my best friend before going to the room of requirement.

Deek smiled as I entered but stopped when he saw my face, "is miss la Fey alright?"

I wiped my face quickly. "Yes, Deek, I just really want to check on my nifflers." I lied.

Without another word I walked into the first vivarium and I let out a sigh of relief at the small meadow. The nifflers, puffskeins and mooncalfs all waddled up to me for their pets. I apologized for not visiting lately.

I picked up my little brown Niffler who I still hadn't named and gave him a big hug as he went for Sebastians necklace around my neck.

There was a loud thudding and I lifted my head straight up to see my Graphorn, who I had appropriately named fluffy when I was 15 years old, huffing her hot breath on me and trying to nuzzle me with her nose that was just knocking me over.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the castle ruins vivarium." I put the niffler down and stroked Fluffy's nose. "Did Deek move you or did you sneak in again?" The graphorn began purring a bit. "I really should give you a better name. I hope me giving you Fluffy hasn't ruined you mentally." She pushed into my hand more as if forgiving me.

"Is that a Graphorn?" I heard Sebastian ask.

I spun around really fast accidentally putting Fluffy into attack mode.

I shushed and calmed her guiding her towards the toys so she could go play.

Sebastian had jumped back when she got riled up but was trying to play off his fear.

"How did you know I'd come here?" I asked.

"When we were kids you said hugging Nifflers made you feel better."

Who can blame me? It does.

"I don't really want to talk at the moment." Before he could even say anything I didn't follow my own request and started to question him.

"How long have you been speaking to Andre? Why did you speak to him in the first place? You really want my magic gone? Am I that much of a threat? Why can't we just have one normal schoo-"

Sebastian pulled me in to a tight hug. I was so wrapped up in my questions I hadn't noticed he walked up to me. I tried to pull back for only a moment but his strong arms didn't waiver so I gave in and hugged him back. I could feel his shirt start to get damp and that when I realized I was crying.

Sebastian felt it too and pulled back enough so that he could bend down a little to be more at my eye level. "Don't cry, it's okay. I'm so sorry." He wiped my tears away. "I was genuinely just trying to find away to help you. I know you don't want that dark magic to pull you in and the eye glowing stuff."

He started to grin a little, "I haven't seen you cry in a while." I smacked his chest as he pulled me into another hug, chuckling softly. "The savior of the magical world looks really cute when she cries."

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