Visitors (S. 1, EP. 1)

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[ please read the description if you haven't already and enjoy reading! ]

[ No warnings yet! ]


Three kids, hybrid kids, had been captured by the red army as they were snooping where they shouldn't have been snooping, luckily, the three were smart and hid their unique forms away from the soldiers and leader

As the three were set in a cell, they stayed there for a while as they were huddled up and quietly whispering to each other a plan to escape the cell, but it wasn't going to be easy for them to just do that

"Theo, Alex, what's the plan?" the youngest of them whispered as he didn't want to get them caught so quickly in the middle of the escape idea "well, Relic, we find the easiest way out!" Theo said as he began to look around for a damaged point

Just a bit later, Theo ended up looking up and seeing a vent he could fit and crawl through, Theo pointed it out and the other two followed his idea as he immediately planned it out, as a guard was passing through, the three played as if nothing was going on

Seconds later, Theo jumped into the vent and crawled though it to the locked door as he removed the second vent thing and climbed down after seeing if the area was clear, he opened the door and the other two exited, all three then stuck together as they were on their way out

Suddenly, the three had to hide as Red Leader was angerly heading their way, they all hid within his office, only to realize they were stuck there for a bit, seeming to had made a mistake, but the three were lucky they weren't seen as Red Leader sat down, laying his head down as well

'what is he doing?...' Theo thought as his head perked up following suite to the sound of gentle sobbing, Theo hesitated to move, but he did anyway as he carefully approached Red Leader "are you ok?..." Theo asked out of the blue, startling Red Leader on accident

"Y- yeah... I'm fine, I'm fine..." Red Leader replied, lifting his head up and whipping away his tears, trying to hide his weakness "that's a lie..." Theo said as he got closer and gently hugged Red Leader, keeping his guard up incase of anything bad happening so suddenly

Alex and Relic checked if the coast was clear as they looked back to Theo giving them the initiative to leave him behind and that he'd catch up eventually, the two nodded as they made their escape, trekking through the open spots and out through where they first entered through

"You didn't have to stay..." Red Leader said as he looked at Theo who seemed careless about what happened to him "well, I stayed for you! You were upset, so I was here for you.." Theo said as he gently hugged Red Leader once more

Red Leader looked on in awe as he let some tears fall from his eyes, he had never thought a kid like this one could care so much for others, but care so less for himself, Theo patted Red Leader's back as he broke from the hug, going to exit as he gave Red Leader one last smile before having to book it to an exit

[ To Be Continued! ]


I dunno why, but I like putting myself in stories, it's just fun that way and I always know what I'm doing in the storyline, experimenting is fun, tbh!
Anywho, I hope you all have an amazing day/night, and I'll see you all in whatever story I do next, love you all! /P
Written by: Theo.

Secrets (Eddsworld AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن