SFW; Eve and Herra 2

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Evelyn paced back and forth in front of Herra as the morning light seeped into her office. Evelyn had her hands clasped behind her back, while Herra sat with her legs crossed, eyes half open with a small mug of tea resting on her knee and supported by two delicate fingers in the handle. She took a sip and let out a sigh, Eve glaring at it with clenched fists... She could see her bashing it out of Herras' hand, but she didn't. She wasn't angry enough yet.

She had patience to spare.

Eve; "You realize there's consequences to your actions, Herra?"

Herra chuckled to herself and set the mug on Eves' desk, producing a cigarette from her robes and holding it up to Eve.

Herra; "Got a light, Lilac?"

Eves' brow furrowed at the sight. Were Herra to look back at Evelyn, she might see her eyes momentarily flash as a strobe light... But she obliged, and snapped her fingers. A shower of Solar Light embers fluttered about and the cigarette was lit.

Her patience was running thin.

Eve; "What you did was murder, even if it was a Thrall. We've learned rather quick that Hive are people, too. That was a revelation *you* helped bring to light."

Herra; "Hmph... I suppose if not for me, you would've still been as stubborn as the rest of the Vanguard, hmm?"

Herra dropped her cigarette as her chair rapidly swiveled around, making it so she faced Eve. Had she a nose, Eves' nostrils would've been flaring, but her voice sounded like she was speaking through gritted teeth.

Eve; "Do *not* make light of this, Herra. I've put up with your nonchalant behavior before and I am *not* in the mood for it. I need you to take this seriously, for once in your third or fourth life!"

Herra chuckled quietly as she reached behind herself and picked up her tea, speaking before going to take another sip.

Herra; "Can't even count right, you're so fed up with me."

Her patience had run out.


In a swift motion, Eve cocked her left hand over her shoulder and swung, knocking Herras' mug out of her hand. the mug shattered and the tea went flying off the tower, spattering the tea against the wall below. Herra shouted in pain and held her wrist as her hand went limp.

Herra; "ARGH! Eve, it's dislocated, you fu-"

Eve leaned down close enough that Herra could feel her synthetic breath against her face, ragged and rage-fueled.

Eve; "You're complaining about your hand?! **After murdering an innocent?!**"

Herra recoiled from the volume of Eves' voice, leaning back in the chair, her eyes wide.

Eve; "And do I even need to *mention* you took a civillian into a combat zone?! And *armed* them without permission?!"

Herras' voice was small, much like how she felt with Eve bearing down on her.

Herra; "It was not loaded-"

Eve; "I don't care if it was loaded or not! You violated two of my protocols and took a life unjustly!"

Evelyns' gesticulations and gestures were laced with Void plasma, dancing through the air like auroras, oppressive in their persistence. Eves' eyes also began to hiss with Void light, the amethyst clouds leaking from her optics making her look almost demonic.

Eve; "You know what I feel like doing right now? Doing to you what you did to that Thrall! And it'd be so easy! ... No ghost to save you, every wound you have to suffer through like everyone else!"

Herra remained motionless, watching Eve with her hands close to her abdomen, her blinking slowed as she maintained eye contact. Eves' fists remained at her sides now, still brimming with Void flames.

Eve; "But I won't do it... In spite of everything you did, I don't trade lives... Maybe that makes me weak. Maybe that's not justice... But it's what you get only because we're better than the Witness and the Empty Handed."

The violet fires were extinguished, and Evelyns' eyes returned to normal.


Eve; "... You're to require an escort at all times. I'm assigning Meurdrac to be your companion... Until you can earn my trust again."

Herra swallowed a knot in her throat before preparing to speak.

Herra; "... Eve-"

Eve held up a finger, her arm dragging Void Light through the air again as she looked away from Herra, her eyes closed. She took in a sharp inhale before speaking.

Eve; "Not. Another. Word. Meurdrac is to be your security detail until further notice."

Herra and Eve remained silent for a moment, Eve still looking away from Herra, before speaking in a hushed voice.

Eve; "... Dismissed."

Herra slowly came to stand, her eyes lingering on Eve as she walked up the stairs and out of the office. When Evelyn opened her eyes again, she'd see the railings of her balcony were singed and cut by the raging Void plasma she summoned in her anger. She let out a sigh and moved the chair back to its' place at her desk, beginning to write out an accident report.

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