Beautiful Love {1}

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Jake's POV

I didn't... I couldn't... This isn't possible. There's no way I just... Imprinted... On Edward Cullen. It's not natural, and I'm not saying this because he's a guy, but because he's a... Vampire. Vampires and wolves don't match. But oh god his eyes are so beautiful. I must have said that last part out loud considering the way he smirked at me.

"So," Edward looked into my eyes, trying hard not to laugh. "What now? I don't know much about imprinting." His voice was so sexy. It made my body heat up unnaturally. Shit, I forgot he could read my mind. Guess I should speak now.

"Well, when a wolf imprints on someone, that someone become the most important thing in their life. They would do, be anything they needed." Edward nodded at this.

"So if I wanted to just be friends you'd be okay with it?" Of course I would. As long a I can be in your life. My heart sped up at the thought of him telling me to go away.

"I won't," What? "I won't send you away."

My heart began to speed up from joy. I was having a hard time controlling my happiness. It wasn't until Edward spoke again that I calmed down.

"So, when are you going to tell your pact? I'm assuming that's what's next." Shit. How the hell am I supposed to tell Sam? And Paul? God, please kill me now.

"I... I'll tell them tomorrow. I just need some time.." Edward nodded his head and began to walk away. My heart sped up; did I do something wrong? Why was he leaving? He said he wouldn't send me away.

"I'm not. I'm simply going back to hunting. You interrupted me from a great meal earlier. It's not everyday you find a mountain lion." He winked at me before turning back to the forest.

"I... I'll just w-wait h-here for you."

"Whatever you say, pup." Someone shoot me and send me to heaven.


"So, why does your family hunt animals instead of humans? If you don't mind me asking." Edward and I were lying in the middle of the forest. It had been hours since he finished hunting.

"I guess the short answer for that is that we don't want to be monsters. We don't want to hurt humans. So, we hunt animals instead. It's like a human living off tofu. You can survive, but it's never really... Satisfying."

Hmm, that makes sense. I heard a light buzz and watched as he pulled his phone out. He frowned at the screen. What was wrong?

"Nothing, just... Esme wants everybody home. Family meeting I suppose." What does that mean? What could they possibly have to talk about. "Well, it usually only happens when we have to leave."

Leave? No, no he can't leave! He can't- "Shhh, Jacob, it's alright. I'm not going anywhere." Edward had his arms wrapped around me. His skin was so cold, but it was oddly comforting. "I'll see you again tomorrow, I promise." I shook my head. Yeah, tomorrow.

"You should head home and rest. Get prepared to tell Sam." Ugh, I forgot all about him. He better not talk shit about my man when I tell him. Shit Jacob! Really? Your man?

I didn't realize it was possible for my face to get this red, but hearing Edward laugh at me made the embarrassment terrible. "I-I'm sorry Jacob. I didn't mean to laugh, it's just... You're so adorable." Me? Adorable? Never! I'm a wolf. Wolves are strong beasts. Not adorable little dogs. Edward started bursting out laughing again.

"Stop reading my mind! God, it's so annoying." I began to walk away when I felt a gust of wind and arms wrapped around my chest. Nice, strong, cold arms. "I'm sorry." He whispered against my neck. He turned me around by my waist and brought a hand up to my chin.

"I'll see you tomorrow, alright? I'm NOT leaving you Jacob. You got that?" I tried my hardest to nod my head, but his eyes were hypnotizing. Next thing I knew, Edward leaned in slowly and gently placed his lips on mine. They were only there for a second, but that second was enough to last me a lifetime.

"I-I'll s-see you t-tomorrow." Edward gave me one last crooked smile before running home.

Someone, please, please kill me so I can die happy before Sam ruins this.

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