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Third Person P.O.V:


It was the first day of Christmas Break, the snow fell heavily outside Pansy's window as she lay in the home that her parents bought in the muggle world.

They considered it a 'vacation home', but they really only used it for Christmas and the Summer.

The residence is quite small, but Pansy loved it nonetheless. It was so homey, better than the huge property she usually lived in, where she barely heard her parents speak.

But here? They had to talk to her.

They're not very good conversationalists though.

Her older brother Phineas sadly couldn't be here for the holidays this year, he wanted to spend it in his first apartment. She did have her youngest brother, Petros, but he was only a toddler.

The block they stayed on was close to the 'The London Eye' and many shopping districts that Pansy loved to peruse.

She would never admit it to her parents, but she adored the Muggle world, even though it was quite scary sometimes.

But she loved how forward the society is, how most people didn't care who you love or what you are. She didn't have to feel so alone when she went walking by herself.

She didn't have to hide how she felt.

Speaking of Muggle-related things, her phone vibrated next to her as she lay on her bed, causing her to quickly grab it from the bedside table.

Speaking of Muggle-related things, her phone vibrated next to her as she lay on her bed, causing her to quickly grab it from the bedside table

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Pansy felt nervous about what Y/n might be planning to send to her.

Well, Y/n always made her nervous. So that really didn't make much of a difference if she thought about it.

She and Y/n have spent a few nights together the last couple of months, which she enjoyed tremendously.

They ended up just meeting up under the bridge, finding it the most enjoyable place to hide from prying eyes.

Even though Y/n still had some anxieties about Daphne knowing the spot, Pansy promised she wouldn't ever come down there.

It was true, Daphne hated her broom and flying, and she wasn't confident enough in her magical abilities to lower herself down there as well.

Pansy loved those times when Y/n would text her, saying something along the lines of 'Want to watch a movie with me?'.

She would practically run out of her common room in the middle of the night, Draco was always sitting on one of the couches with a smug smile on his face.

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