The sickness which made us worry and sweat

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"What's wrong with London?" America asked as England ran around frantically trying to find various medicines and remedies.

"She is sick, but don't worry, we will take care of her." France said, reassuringly.

"Oh. Maybe she needs a burger? That always makes me feel better!"

"I don't think London is up for food at the moment." France chuckled slightly. "Why don't you go play with your brother whilst me and England sort out London? Oui?"

"Yeah okay, Canada! Let's play cops and robbers!" France watched as the two boys ran around the room before turning to catch England in the midst of making another remedy for London.

"Is it the plague?" He whispered.

"It seems so, most of the citizens have it." He sighed. The two made their way upstairs to where London was sleeping and entered quietly.

"How are you mon Cherie?" France whispered softly, brushing the hair off her forehead. He was shocked to find that she was burning. A small whimper escaped her lips which nearly broke the two men's hearts.

"Am I going to die?" London whispered, turning to face her two older brothers.

"No of course not! Don't say such a silly thing! Me and Arthur will take care of you until you get better!" France beamed, whilst England mixed a few medicines for her. Francis sat at the end of London's bed, reading her countless fairy-tales until she fell into a deep sleep.

A few days past, and soon she was beginning to show signs of recovery. Her fever had gone down, the repulsing boils on her body had disappeared and she seemed happier, but still very tired.

"London!" Canada whispered, poking his head through the door. She turned towards the voice and smiled.

"How are you?"

"I feel better, thank you," She smiled. Her brother sighed, relieved and entered the room quietly. He made his way to the bed stand and placed a vase with a vast array of colourful flowers in them, ranging from roses to daisies.

"Me and America picked them for you today, well, he picked a few then got bored and went to play with some of the other countries."

"Thank you, Canada. You should go play too, it's a nice day out," she smiled, patting him on the head.

"But I want to stay with you! Until you get better!" He protested, tears forming at the corners of his lilac eyes.

"She'll be better before you know it, then you can play all you want," England appeared, talking quietly as not to alarm the two children. Canada whimpered before giving in an leaving the room.

"How are you feeling, London?" England asked, stroking the long, blonde locks from her face.

"Much better, thank you," Closing her eyes, she fell fast asleep and England slunk out of the room to notify France that she was getting better.

It wasn't long after that London was running around in the fields along with her two brothers again, hiding from England and France who wanted them to tidy their rooms.

"They'll never find us here!" America proclaimed loudly as the trio crouched in the tall golden crops.

"Think again, Mon petité fleures!" France laughed and they shrieked and ran off in the grass, straight into England. America was the only one who wasn't caught so far.

"Don't worry! The hero will save you!" He called out to London and Canada who were giggling as they tried to escape England's clutches.

"Oh really?" France said, sweeping up the short blonde as they headed back to the house.

"Noooo lets play again!" London whined. The adults laughed.

"Let's go to Hyde park instead, yes? To celebrate your miraculous recovery!" They all cheered and ran ahead to put their best clothes on to go out again.

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