The End (Hopefully)

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Sprinting through the street, Randy turned the final corner and booked it towards the abandoned theater. Remembering the plan, he knew the main entrance would be blocked off, so he veered into a back alley, hopped up onto a crate, then up onto a dumpster, then onto a fire escape. Scrambling up the metal frame like a monkey on a vine, Randy eventually reached the roof. He remembered seeing an exit from the top floor of the theater which would (presumably) lead up here.

It didn't take very long to find the door, but, in a situation like this, just a few seconds could be the difference between a living, breathing person, or another corpse lying on the ground. Randy yanked the door open and ran down the aisle until he saw Tara. She was sitting a row away from him, just a seat or two from Ethan. Randy booked it through the rows of seats and over to his friends.

"Randy, what are y-?" Ethan was cut off as Randy's fist slammed into his jaw, knocking the young man back. Tara looked at her friend, surprised, "Randy, what the fuck!?"

"He's one of them!" Randy explained, "He's one of the new Ghostfaces! Probably the one who attacked the apartment!"

"What?" Tara asked. Ethan lay on the floor, shaking his head profusely while shielding himself with his hands, "No! No, I'm not, Randy! I'm not the killer."

"Was it you who killed Mindy and Annika!?" Randy asked, "Or was it your father!? Or maybe Quinn!?"

"Randy, Quinn's dead," Tara said, certain Randy was losing his mind. Ethan nodded, "Yeah, she is! How could she be one of the killers with me, if I even were one!?"

"Sure she is," Randy scoffed, "We only saw her body for a few seconds before we all fled the room. It would've been pretty easy to fake. Besides, we never saw her get stabbed and her dad kept Dr. Mallard from giving her body an autopsy. All it would've taken was a few prosthetics and a little fake blood. Coincidentally, guess what I found in Quinn's room when we were running from you? Prosthetic putty, used in high-grade costumes and even sometimes in movies."

"Wait, so Quinn is alive?" Tara asked. Randy nodded, "And, if she is, then she's one of the killers. Which means her dad, who was the first on the scene with her body, would've been in on it. He could've switched her "corpse" with a real one. I bet if you check recent missing persons cases here in the city, one of them would be a dead ringer for Quinn."

"That-that doesn't mean I had anything to do with it!" Ethan defended, "We need to stop them. Stop the real killers."

"But I am," Randy pointed at Ethan, "Your sister snuck into the hospital earlier and killed Mindy and Annika, after trying to kill Gale. Her father led us on a wild goose chase to buy her some time, and you've been the spy in the group, or did you think I didn't notice how much you've been on your phone since this whole thing started?"

"Just because I was on my phone-"

"No, it doesn't," Randy agreed, "Do you remember how Quinn was flirty with every guy she met? Me, Chad, random dudes in the hallway at school, heck, even Tanner. Consistently, she'd make saucy jokes about us and her hooking up. Do you remember who she never, not once, even so much a s faked flirting with? I'll give you a hint: you'd see him in a mirror."

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?" Tara asked. Randy's eyes didn't leave Ethan, "Because it shows Quinn wasn't able to think about him like that for some reason, and she thought about almost every guy like that. Why wouldn't she be able to? She and Ethan must've already had a close relationship then, but why would they conceal it from us unless...?"

"They were the killers," Tara realized. Ethan shook his head as he backed up nervously, "No, I'm not! I'm not one of the killers!"

"It's okay, Ethan. You don't have to lie anymore," the Voice said from behind Randy and Tara. The two whirled around to see Ghostface standing in the doorway to the stairs, blocking their only exit. A deranged smile slid across Ethan's face as shock spread across Randy and Tara's, "Good, I was getting tired of waiting, anyways."

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