The Porcelain Face

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Othello is a guy. He likes playing ukulele and composing some song that relates in his life. Othello is a Senior High school learner student. He likes being quiet for his peace. He is always having “fun” with his seasonal friends. He settle his mind with a friend stuff topic, he consider that his present friend is a seasonal friends. Othello is a type of guy that he’s using a porcelain face. He’s good with that. Whenever his seasonal friends are laughing with him, he’s laughing barely, he is worrying in his few years ago. Othello give a jolly with his surroundings. Othello always wearing Porcelain Face he keep doing that. 
The school hour was end.

Othello was waiting to his father to pick him up in the gate of school. “Hey! You want to come with us?” – His classmates. “No, I’m waiting to my dada to pick me up” –Othello said.
“Do I look pity in here?” questioning his self.
“Waah, never mind. Dada is so slow to pick me up!” -talking to his self.

While Othello is waiting to his dada, he’s thinking about the status of the school that he transferred. Othello looks satisfied in the school and the ambiance.
After 10 minutes his Dada picks him up.
Othello was tired, and then he fell asleep on his bed.

The next school day, Othello was upset about his 2019. He can’t avoid thinking about that. He is scared if on his present will be a 2019. But Othello is looking in the bright side and glistering with his porcelain face. When Othello arrived in his room, he wears his porcelain face. His surroundings were affected by the porcelain face.

The more he gets jolly, the more the porcelain face is glistering. He’s behavior was changed, because of it. He act like nothing happened. Othello was the only one what was happened in 2019. He always convincing his self to wear a porcelain face.
“Can I come to your place Othello?” Kea said thru chat.

“Yes, you can.” Othello replied. Kea is his cousin, she’s always asking to Othello to go his place. But, He always fell asleep when Kea is near at Othello’s place.
“You fell asleep, again?” Kea was annoyed to Othello.

Kea is always in Othello’s living room. Kea is waiting to Othello to wake up. And entertaining herself .
Othello was sleeping every 2pm. Kea has no idea why Othello is sleeping every 2 pm.
After 1 hour, Othello woke up. Othello was rubbing his eyes and go to kitchen to drink a water. Then, He saw Kea at the living room.
“Kea, have you been there for long hour?” Othello said.

“Yes you little mushroom! You always fell asleep when the sun is going down!” Kea was scolding to Othello.
Othello laugh so hard.
“Sorry about that, you know that I’m always sleeping every 2pm” Othello was apologizing to Kea.

“Hays, what else I can do? You already did your bad habits” Kea was rolling his eyes to Othello.
He laughs. Kea was asking if both of them want to go in their auntie’s house. Othello agree. Othello and Kea are having fun into auntie’s house. Othello was jolly about their situation. He didn’t know that he’s wearing porcelain face, again. The porcelain face is unnecessary when he feel jolly with his surroundings.

They were bored in their auntie’s house so they go to Kea’s place. Othello got excited.
When they got arrived in Kea’s house, Othello get hype.
“Kuya!”  Esang’s voice. Esang is a younger sister of Kea.
“Can we play Kuya?” asked to Othello. He nodded and smiled.
They are playing the whole 1 hour.
Othello got tired.

“Okay esang; let’s continue this, playing with your toys tomorrow” talking with this line while his voice is breathless.
“Kea! Auntie! I’ll go home now” Othello shouted at the door.

Its 9 pm in the street of Kea, Othello was thinking if he’s tired after he played with esang. And he thinks he is not.
Othello passed through the place that he hates most and those people in the street.
Othello was scared that time, but he acts like nothing in his face. After he walked that place, he ran fast.

“Finally! I’m home” whispering to himself.
Othello open their gate to go inside. Then he saw his Mother preparing for dinner while his Dada is was watching Basketball in CRT TV type. Othello ask his mom if what food they preparing. His Mother said “it’s your favorite, Menudo~”
“Let’s eat” Othello said with a lot of excitement
Othello got his food in his plate and go to the living to eat. Othello never eats at the table with his Mother and his Dada.

After their dinner, Othello washed his body to sleep early.

Othello removed his porcelain face in his room. He wrote to his journal of what happened that day.

The realizations.

Porcelain face is his style of escaping his past life. Porcelain face is his style to spread happiness in his surroundings. But he’s not good all day.

When the school hour was end, and waiting to his Dada in the gate of school; He was scared that time because he thought that those classmate wants to go with him is they are going to mistreat Othello.

That’s why he tells to himself if he looks pity in that situation. In Kea’s part, Othello always sleeping in every 2pm is because he never forgets that situation in the gate of school. So, he just fell asleep just to forget. And when he woke up he wear the porcelain face again to show to Kea that he’s good and never scared.

Also, when Othello wants to go in his cope mechanism place he asks Kea if she’s available. Othello is a quiet guy for not telling his side. He show to Kea by action if Othello has a problem. In his Keas place with his Mom, He felt safe and far from his agony when he’s there in Kea’s place.

The place in the street the he scared of is his agony again and never wants to recall what that is. But his Mother and his Dada was there to support and make them Othello safe from the agony. Porcelain Face is showing that you are jolly and spreading to your surroundings happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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