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• What happens when two worlds collide? Bad meet the good. Turns out it's not just two negatives that makes a positive. •

~10842 Words~

"Listen, ladies, you work for me

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"Listen, ladies, you work for me. do as I say and you're life will go by easy." Kuroo internally rolled her eyes but Yaku had other plans, quickly pulling out a gun and aiming it at his head.

His men were quick to follow in toe, placing their guns out in her direction. Tetsurou sighed, she could easily kill both of these guards if she really wanted to. But her and Yaku both know the trouble of trying to end a mafia gang, it takes too long and they're just trying to get money.

"Listen, little boy, you better watch your tone before I blow your head off!" The man sitting in the chair like he rules the world, looked over at Kuroo to confirm if Morisuke would do as she says before raising his hands to tell his men to stand down.

Yaku instantly sits down in her chair, her glare still stuck in place.

He cleared his throat, leaning back in his chair. "I think we got caught on the wrong foot, how about I start over."

"Real bold Yakkun." Kuroo and Morisuke were walking out of the big mansion that held the most illegal things known to man, walking back to their base, where they would assemble a plan.

"What? I'm no bitch and he's not going to talk to me like one."

"I know but do you know how many men were in that house?" Yaku looked over at her with that annoying smile.

"Why? Scared?" Tetsurou couldn't help but smirk.

"I don't have to be scared to know how long that would take." Morisuke laughed.

"That's what we have each other for. Now let's hurry up and get home, we have a big weekend coming up." Kuroo huffed, walking a little bit faster to catch up to the other.

Let's go backwards real quick. Back to the meeting from earlier.

"What exactly do you want from us?" Tetsurou finally interrupted the man's long speech of ignorance, gaining his attention.

"Oh, so the serious one finally speaks." Yaku rolls her eyes while Kuroo narrows hers.

"I talk when I want to, now what is it that you want from us?" Yamato appears to be his name, sits up from his chair with a big grin plastered across his face.

"The weekend coming up marks the biggest parties for all the notorious underground gangs, mobsters, Yakuza's, you name it. I'm going but so is Myouji Yukio, a known Yakuza leader that wants me dead." Morisuke finally sits up.

"You want us to kill a Yakuza leader? That is a lot of money. Are you sure you can afford i-" before Yaku could even finish, two brief cases stacked of cash were placed on the table in front of her.

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