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"I will be there for you"

I blinked back the tears that were close to falling. This was probably one of the sweetest and the most genuine thing I have heard someone say. All the bad memories spiralling in my head where washed off by that one beautiful line. A beautiful line from a beautiful stranger

"You don't need to reply back or even respond to it. Just keep it in your mind" a smile adorned his face as the words rolled out of his tongue. I smiled back, genuinely this time. It was a smile of a new friendship

Out of nowhere, 'DLC' by StrayKids started playing. I tried looking around in search of the source of the song. I was thoroughly surprised when I realised that it was actually Minho hyung's ringtone. Didn't he tell that he doesn't stan StrayKids?

I suppose, he sensed my doubts as he immediately tried to defend himself. "I um.... this song is really nice. It felt like the perfect ringtone.....yeah" he nervously rubbed the back of his head. "Its alright. I get it, don't worry. You might want to pick the phone up tho. It's been ringing for a while"

He nodded and then checked the caller ID. I saw him lightly roll his eyes as soon as he read it. I mentally laughed at that. I didn't wanna look like I was eavesdropping so I just turned around to give him a bit of privacy. Don't know how that would make a difference

Even though I didn't mean to listen, the person on the other line was VERY loud or hyung's volume was just way too high or maybe both the options. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU MINHO??" I faintly heard. It was obviously a male speaking. "Dude chill your ass down. I'm at the gate helping the cute kid. I'll be there soon"

Did he just call me cute kid.....? Cute is cute but what's with the kid?? Excuse you mister

With a few more seconds of humming to whoever the other male is, he cuts the call. He was obviously behind me due to the fact that I had turned my back towards him, when he picked up the call. He came and stood beside me.

"Where were we?" He turned his head towards my direction. We made eye contact, that is, I had my head tilted up and he had his head tilted down. His eyes were beautiful. They looked like they held an entire galaxy beneath them. His face was highlighted by the sunlight. He was basically shining

The sun really chooses it's favorites, doesn't it?

I snapped out of the trance quickly and broke the intense eye contact. I looked forward as I spoke, too scared to be making eye contact for a while. "I have no idea. Doesn't matter tho. Where is the main office?"

I heard him laugh a bit. Maybe because of the way I was avoiding eye contact. The reason doesn't matter. The laugh was sweet and melodious, just like every single one of his laughs. "I'll show you. Follow me". Even though I didn't turn to look at him, I knew he was smiling.

"You don't need to. Just tell me the directions. I'll manage. The call seemed urgent" "Are you sure?" His concern was kinda cute and at the same time, it made me feel so soft. I nodded in response to his question.

"Just move forward and take a right. After that, there are directions everywhere. You can follow those"

"Thanks for helping me. Hope to meet you soon" I bowed in gratitude. He laughed a bit before mirroring my actions. "Very soon" he smiled once more. He then ran to the building when his phone started ringing again. "This old man is going to actually kill me, one day" he angrily muttered when he left. He turned back one last time and waved. I waved back

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