chapter one: gentle kindness

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In a forest a boy is running,the boy is panting heavily but his speed has not slowed once because behind him is two grown men chasing him. The reason being they want to take someone very important away from him and he will not allow it.

He has suffered bullying for years and has faced many hardships. If not for his best friend and partner gothitta he would have given in and crumbled long ago . Gothitta is his pokemon,yes you heard right because in this world there are magical creatures called pokemon although normal animals exist as well ,pokemon are amazing and are magical because they are able to use different skills and abilities normal animals and humans could not and in this age everyone has them.

The ones who do have pokemon are called trainers as their job is train and help their pokemon grow stronger alongside them and when one has a pokemon they have better chances out there in the world and are also able to go on journeys meeting and catching different pokemon.

Having a pokemon also signifies power and how powerful your pokemon are signifies an individual's strength and power they hold in the world and against others as well. If one thinks about it carefully a mindset and rule like this will always brings about corruption between people and pokemon.

The men chasing this poor boy are the evidence of this corruption because they are pokemon hunters, almost like poachers they hunt down pokemon in order to sell them which is actually illegal. When they saw Dani the boy they are chasing right now they threatened the boy to scram before they make him.

Dani not wanting trouble but also wanting to help the poor pokemon the men have captured, he reluctantly left and his partner gothitta who was sleeping in his arms woke up and poked her head out which was actually a mistake because as soon as they saw the pokemon they demanded the boy hand it to them.

Dani obviously would never give up his only friend so he ran and they chased after him. He had long sent gothitta back to her pokeball and was running for his life because if they caught him they would take away his friend and kill him as well.

Running in a deep forest is not ideal because you would trip over unseen obstacles and may end meeting and angering wild pokemon who will fight back and Dani had tripped multiple times already on protruding tree roots but got up and continued running.

He was running blind because leaves were slapping his face and he could not see were he was going but all he could hear was the men that were behind him and the pokemon they sent out still chasing him. Multiple attacks like mud shot and shadow ball came his way and he dodged the best he could.

But alas it seemed the universe was against him as always because while running he didn't notice he was on the edge of cliff so when he dodged a shadow ball by jumping aside he also jumped off the cliff to his death, gothitta forcebly released it's self from it's pokeball in order to save it's trainer by using psychic but all it was able to do was reduce their velocity and a second latter both boy and pokemon crashed to the ground next to each other and blood splattered out.

Dani was feeling faint and his head fell to the side were he faced gothitta who was also looking towards him . The boy knew this was their last moments and with all his strength he said to his partner a faint thank you before he passed away and gothitta by his side answered back by its cry as if to say the same thing and it as well passed away.

The hunters on top of the feild witnessed this and one clicked his tongue

"what a waste"

"Yeah could have gotten a lot of cash for that pokemon"

And the two tuned away along with a swoobat and diggersby.

Hours passed and unseen by others a foreign soul entered the broken boy's body and made it it's new vessel. The process took a few moments and later the boy's eye lids shook and opened , not soon after the boy released a painful sream as his body was broken and bloody and this was the most unimaginable pain the boy has ever experienced, even the pain he felt when hanging from a rope didn't beat this.

Tears rolled down and finally not able to handle it the boy started to loose consciousness but fortunately a strong gust blew over the two bodies and a group of cotton like pokemon floated over with the wind, they stopped and what looked like a humanoid creature with cotton hair, green horns and a brown body floated over to the bodies of a boy and a small pokemon and inspected them.

The first body of the gothitta was cold and unmoving so that meant the pokemon was dead. The pokemon moved over to the human and found it was slightly warm and it felt a faint heartbeat and after that the pokemon released a colourful pink energy and the others thousands of cotton like pokemon did the same and eventually the broken boy's body healed . Every injury including broken bones were healed up and after a while the boy started to wake up and saw the scene in front of him.

Seeing the mysterious creature in front of him he teared up weakly muttered a thank you to them which made them sqeal and smile before a gust of wind came and took them away. Feeling tired the boy went to sleep in the same position he's in unknown to him one of the cotton creatures having remained behind and sticking to him.

This one unlike the others who were white and gray was instead had a soft pink and white coloured cotton.

Hours passed and the boy woke up,his body sore but he managed to get to sitting position and held his head as he sorted his memories. The body was the same but the soul was not that of Dani's, this soul was of Liam the boy who committed suicide before.

A while after sorting out his memories or at least Dani's from his own he looked to the side and saw Dani's partner's body.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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