Chapter 16

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I Don't get a lot of reads.. but this story gives me a lot of happiness. So thank you if you have read this far and I hope you enjoy future chapters.


I took a deep breath and looked at the maze entrance. I could hear the maze moving through out.

Poppy took my hand and squeezed it. "We got this."

I nodded.

Gryffindor had already gone in. Slytherin was next.

Giselle didn't give anyone a second glance before walking in. Sebastian stopped at the entrance and turned to look at me, smiling.

He mouthed something I didn't quite catch but then walked in without repeating it.

"Alright, Hufflepuff. Your turn." Weasley called to us. "Remember just find the chest at the end and you win."

We walked in and the hedges shut making it silent.

"Right or left?" I asked Poppy.

"Hmmm left is always right." She waved her left hand and started skipping down the maze.

We heard a scream suddenly making us both freeze and kinda glance behind us.

"Did you recognize that scream?" She asked with concern in her voice.

"I didn't."  Poppy clutched her wand a little tighter. "It's probably just some ghost." I reassured her.

She nodded but as she began to turn around the maze in front of us began closing rapidly. We began running back the way we came before I finally saw another was and pulled her in just as the hedges smashed together.

"What was that?" She said a little too loud. Her voice kind of cracked a bit at the end.

"I thought when Weasley said changing she meant slowly." I said catching my breath.

We walked a little longer. Choosing random directions. I was positive we weren't going in a circle. As we went down one way we saw Natty running away seeming to be chased by something.

"Natty!" Poppy tried calling to her but she fled without hearing us.

We tried chasing after her but I ended up tripping over something making me fall. "Ava!" Poppy yelled making me look at what I tripped on.

Garreth was passed out on the ground. Vines slowly beginning to cover him.

Poppy shot basic spells at them making the vines retreat while I pulled Garreth away.

I smacked his cheek a little till he came to. "Garreth." He mumbled something so I smacked him harder making him sit up quickly.

"Ow! Merlin, Ava."  He rubbed his cheek.

"I'm sorry. I got scared. Why are you passed out?"

I helped him stand to his feet. He stretched a bit before looking around. "I got attacked."

"Attacked? By what?" Poppy asked as she dusted him off.

"Giselle and Sebastian."

Poppy and I looked at each other. "What?"

We weren't supposed to attack each other I believe..

"Sebastian wouldn't do that."

"He wouldn't." Garreth agreed still rubbing his cheek. "So she used the Imperius curse."

I felt the world stop for a moment.

Oh. She's going to die now.

"You two stay together." I started to walk away to where we had seen Natty running earlier but Poppy stopped me.

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now