Chapter 2 // The Aftermath.

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Tripitaka hurried through the establishment with his first disciple wrapped up tightly in his arms. He left Wujing to deal with Kang for now. All that mattered now was getting Wukong to safety. The monkey had either fallen asleep or lost consciousness, Tripitaka wasn't sure. But he was breathing.

He really messed up this time.

He'd been so blinded by his own anger that he didn't see any of the warning signs. If he paid attention, he would have seen that Kang was interested in Wukong as soon as he saw him. His eyes lingered on his first disciple, and he was so desperate to have him that he'd made that ridiculous plan. He pretty much threatened to throw them out if they refused.

Tripitaka felt sick. It was so obvious. He was so angry at Wukong that he blindly accepted the deal, and even participated by reciting the spell whenever requested. He was the absolute worst.

The journey had proven that he had a bunch of aggressions and anxieties that he needed to deal with. Negative feelings and impulses were something he'd supressed all of his life, but now that he'd left the shelter of his peaceful monk community, the feelings were getting impossible to ignore.

He needed to acknowledge that those feelings were a part of him, and they affected him both physically and emotionally. Today had further proven that he couldn't keep letting his emotions cloud his judgement. His repressed anger, would only cause harm to him and others.

This could never happen again.

He carried Wukong into their room, shocking Bajie with his hasty entrance. The second disciple gasped when he saw the bloody monkey. "What happened?! Why is Wukong so wounded?"

Tripitaka carefully set Wukong down on the bed. "Kang attacked him. Get the medical supplies from our luggage, quickly!"


The monk rolled up his sleeves and did his best to study the damage, but it was difficult to make out the severety of it due to the amount of blood that covered it all. "Bajie, hurry!" He pleaded.

Bajie brought over the bundle that contained their first-aid supplies, and quickly handed his master a cleaning cloth and a water flask. Tripitaka got to work and started wiping off the blood to get a clear look.

They were relieved to find that all the wounds on his chest had already closed completely, and only surface scratches remained. The huge gash on his stomach was healing as well, already scabbing and rebuilding. It was the same for his head as well. They couldn't see under the fillet, but all of the blood along it's edges had already started to dry.

He was no longer bleeding. That was good.

Tripitaka tearfully washed his disciple, washing away the blood and grime that covered him, as well as the offensive bodily fluids.

"Master.. how come there's blood between his legs? What... kind of injury is it?" Bajie gulped nervously as he watched the monk work. Bajie wasn't stupid. He got a pretty clear idea of what had been done to his brother once he saw the semen that covered his abdomen. But he needed to confirm it.

Tripitaka took a shaky breath, tears falling from his eyes as he spoke. "Kang assaulted him. He took advantage of the tightening spell and... h-he..forced himself on him."

Bajie froze. Each time the bell had rang, Wukong was being hurt. He'd been sent to check on them, but he didn't. He foolishly trusted the word of an unknown servant and left it at that. Shame rose to his chest. As always, he'd valued his own comfort more than the wellbeing of others, and now Wukong paid the price.

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