
18 1 2

"its getting late, i should probably head home now."
"no please. look just stay with me a little longer, i really like you and we haven't even had any fun yet."

[ it was a tuesday night and you had gone on a date with someone you had been talking to for about a month. ]

[ they moved their hand over to your thigh. ]

you jokingly told them to piss off.
but you're hands went cold when you looked into
their eyes and noticed how serious they were.

[ you thought the date was going well..
you were about to head home after you two had spent about an hour playing video games at their apartment.. ]

"to be honest, i've been dreaming of the day that i could be close to you so i could do this..."

[ they leaned in and grabbed the back of your neck in an attempt to kiss you, but you shoved them away and got off the bed. ]

"what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

[ you never liked hooking up on the first date ]

you quickly beelined towards the bedroom door.
it was locked.. "shit."
you banged on the door but quickly remembered you two were alone in the quiet part of town.

you heard their footsteps pace towards you but you couldn't bear to look at them. in your mind you knew they had you trapped and there was nothing you could do about it. your hands graze down the door and curl into a fist

you bang on the door as hard as you can whilst screaming.
"shit.. someone help me! please HELP.."

[ *whack* ]

a hit in the back from a baseball bat sent your body straight to the floor.

the last things you saw was their body standing over you before the bat hits you again.. this time to the head.


[ you'd been knocked out ]



when you were unconscious, there were moments when your eyes would open and you could just barely see what was going on.

you could hear heavy breathing whenever your eyes would open, and then close again.

you were back on the bed and they were over top of you. even though the memory was blurred, you still felt the horror of it.

when you finally gained consciousness again, you awoke to find you had been strapped to a chair naked with your mouth taped shut. you felt dizzy and your head was spinning.

[ a flashlight shone in your eye making your vision even more blurry ]

"finally you're awake."

[ it was them.. ]

"listen i have something to confess."

[ you tried to move and scream for help but it was useless because of the straps and tape ]

"yeah that won't do you any good sweetheart. listen the name you've been calling me isn't my real name. but look i'm not some rando from the street. *sigh*
i work as an assassin. in fact i was payed to kill you months ago but rejected the job offer when you peaked my interest.. and as I learnt more about you, the more i craved you.
but now listen to me you little bitch,
- [ they tugged on your ear and came close to your face ] - everything could've worked out so much better if you hadn't made such a fuss last night, but i'll keep you alive- on one condition. from now on, whenever i beckon for you, you shall come. you will now become my property or, you will suffer the consequences."

thats how that night went two years ago.


two years ago, you went on a date that went horribly wrong.

before that night, your life was going pretty well. you had just moved out of your parents house and were starting a new life in another country where you were going to pursue your dream career.

but ever since that day, you still hear the echo of desperation in their voice when each day they remind you and beg you not to tell anyone what they did, or else you'd be dead. oh and if you were to run away, they'd kill your family. that was the threat they made to you.

they took a part of your freedom away from you, but they also took something else from you..

..when they came into your life, they distorted your reality. you've never been the same after they violated you. you've never been able to feel love the same way. although you were now technically a sex slave, in the past few years you had hooked up with a few people. but there was never any magic. all of that had been taken by the assassin.

all you've ever been wanting to feel ever since that night happened, was a bit of magic. your life has seemed so black and white for these past two years. you want to escape the world so badly

but one day..

on a cloudy day at the mall you find yourself sitting on the edge of a big water fountain. your empty eyes gaze beneath the water in the fountain to look at all the coins that people tossed into the fountain when they make wishes.

[ your eyebrows furrow as you look closer into the water ]

"what is that?" you whisper to yourself.

you reach into the pond and pull out a decent sized bag wrapped in tinfoil. you carefully unwrap the tinfoil from the bag and open it to see what's inside.



.. to be continued..


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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