Ch.1 -Bye New York, Hello Japan!

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You know, you never know that you'll miss something until you don't have it. Like a favorite toy, or a person you love, maybe even a place you have always known, you know that kind of thing. Well I think I see why people say that. Seeing all the boxes in my room filled with me and my family's stuff, the lair in shambles, a mere ghost of it's former self. (Authors note: This is a month after the defeat of the shredder.)

"Man I'm going to miss this old place..."

As I finished packing up my weapon, books, clothes, and moved my boxes to the main living room I saw my younger brother Michaelangelo struggling to move his boxes. I walked over to see him battling a mountain of art supplies, drawing books, and  random assortments of stuff. Man he needs to get rid of somethings.

"Need a hand there bro?" I asked in a mocking tone.

"Nope I'm good, just fine, absolutely PEACHY!" He replied struggling to carry a huge box.

I smiled and decided to help him anyway. As I took one side of the box he looked at me and smiled mouthing the words "thanks sis" to me.

I smiled and said "No problem."

As I helped Mikey with his stuff I looked around the place taking it in for what is to be the last time. I never thought we would be leaving the sewers but with the rising of mutation quirks it seems like the perfect time to do it. But not all of us are to keen for this like Raphael and Donnitello. They're both a bit worried and I don't blame them especially after what we all have been through. With the Shredder and all. But if we can handle that then what can't we do???

After we were all finished packing we all met in the main area of the lair for a last meal. Obviously being pizza like what else?

"I'm gonna miss this place... Like a lot." I Spoke breaking the silence.

"Yeah we all will sis, but hey I'm sure it'll be fine we have handled worse." Commented Nardo putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah Leo's right, we don't need to worry as long as we are all together! Plus I heard from Pop's that we're going somewhere cool to live!" Micky said looking at us.

As I looked over to Donnie I saw him holding something. It was Shelldons broken head in his hands, and when I looked up at him I saw a small trickle of tears streaming down his face. I saw Raph and April comforting him, just rubbing the back of his battle shell whispering sweet comforting words to him. (NOT SHIPPING RAPH WITH DONNIE OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT OK!)

*Time skip of 2 hours*

Well everything is all done and packed up. Nothing else to do but go. Which did beg the question where are we going to live?? Mikey said that we were going to live somewhere cool. But where?

"Alright everyone! I have an announcement to make!" Splinter / Dad said standing on a ledge slightly above us "Now you are all probably wondering where we are going to live! Well we are going to-"

"Please don't be New Jersey!" Leo said interrupting him.

We all looked at him with a "unfazed but so done with his antics" look.

Dad continued "Ehem, well as I was saying, we are going to.... JAPAN!"

We looked at him with disbelief and amazement. Japan, one of the coolest places on earth and the place of our ancestors, where Gram Gram used to live. We all jumped in excitement, dancing around.

I say to Splinter "THATS AMAZING Dad!! But wait how are we going to get there? It's not like we have the money, and I don't exactly trust Leo to teleport us there."

Leo looked at me appalled about what I just said "WOW OK I GET IT! I guess without me you lot would have defeated the shredder right?!"

We all looked at him and stayed silent for a second. As Leo realize what he just said.

"Um, hehe...... To soon? He said with a guilty look on his face.

"Yes Nardo, too fucking soon..." Donnie said to him with a murderous tone in his voice.

"Donnie! Watch the swearing!" Raph said, scolded Donnie.

"Fine, whatever..." He rolled his eyes at Raph.

"Ok ok before Donnie commits a felony against Leo, how are we getting to Japan??" I ask, trying to get around the sensitive topic of what happened a month ago.

Dad continued "Well you see, I managed to pull in a favour from an old friend of mine known as Nezu. He said he would give us the money we needed to start up a new life in Japan, get you all enrolled in a school, and would find a job for each of us to keep the family afloat."

Leo looked at dad after he said job and moaned like a child "What!? Work! Nooooo! Why do we have to work????"

Don looks to Leo and says "A stable job is the key to living a seemingly normal and decent life Nardo. The reason why we have never had to work is because we live or lived in a sewer and that doesn't exactly require rent or anything form of--"

"Ok ok mister brainiac, I get it!" Leo said, cutting off Donnie from his rant.

"Besides Leo! I'm sure that whatever job you get, you'll be great at it!" Micky said in his usual excited tone.

"Well if thats over, when do we leave??" I ask dad.

"Well, we leave tomorrow afternoon for the plane that has been booked by my friend Nezu!" Dad said with a cheerful look on his face. "Now, we should try and get some rest before tomorrow. We don't want to be tired when we get to Japan now do we?"

We all cheered in agreement and went to the Shell-Razer because of our beds being packed up. We went to our separate chairs and went to sleep. But for some reason I just couldn't sleep that well, thinking about the things that have happened, moving to a new place, and school... Just seemed to normal for us, but hey we have handled much worse than that. What's the worse that could happen???

Words: 1070

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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