lost ?

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I was here for four hours in this temple. The temple i first saw her  remembering every precious second i spend with my love . But faith always has been opposite to me but not this time . I would burn down the world if something happens to her .

I finally came back to hospital and went to meet her . The babies are being taken care by hyungs wife and mom and dad , i entered her ward and i couldn't help but breakdown, i sat near her holding her hand you told me that we'll be together forever then why are you going away from me . Did i do any mistake ? Tell me princess I'll correct it but please don't go away from me I'll die and what about our babies see God heard your prayers you wanted babyboy and babygirl both right. Look wake up see them they look like you , look now wake up you are making me angry princess this is the only thing i hate . C'mon wake up let's go home and I'll buy you everything you want . Come let's go i stood up giving her my hand but i still couldn't see any movement from her side love you are making me angry get up GET UP I SAID WHY DON'T YOU HEAR ME I Shouted and jimin hyung and hobi hyung came inside

Kook what are you doing. Hobi hyung said taking me out from the ward but i yanked him away and went beside her again

Hyung she listens to you both right then ask her to wake up   i guess she is angry from me please ask her to wake up I'll do everything she'll ask for but just she wakes up i said crying badly hobi Hyung hug me

She'll wake up kook Don't worry. Jimin hyung said

But when only 19 hours are left what if she - no no i shouldn't think bad she'll wake up soon she won't go away from me right hyung i said being a mess

I guess just be here and talk to her . I know she'll wake up by hearing you voice i nodded and sat beside her and took her hand , stroking her head . Hyungs went out and i started talking to her

You know love i went to that temple where i saw you first time i remembered every moment i spend with you , every second, from our fight at the school, date , that late night walk , wedding dress day , then wedding day, our first night the first time you slept in my arms i couldn't forget that moment ever in my life , your confession about feeling safe with me and giving me a chance honestly the moment you said you felt safe with me i felt like i won in my life , then your love confession the one of the best day in my life , that bike ride , your 18th birthday, our first time making love ahh i can't forget that day another one of the best day of my life , then you becoming ceo and mafia queen, then my birthday and you being super bold that day that was hot , then your pregnancy announcement another one of the best day of my life, every month fulfilling your craving and handling your mood swings that was fun and now being here you made this day one of the best and the worst day of my life . You being layed here not talking to me kills me love wake up . I sighed and talked to her whole time and just like that hours went away and now it was just only half an hour is  left and i was losing hope every minute

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