Part 2

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It was raining very heavily when my grandmother's driver dropped me at my parents ' gate. The had hooted but for some reason my siblings inside the house did not hear the car hooting. I was left in the rain and the dark all alone. I kept rapping the gate handle hoping they'd hear and come open up. Desperately, I reached out for my phone to call my sister so she could come open up but I had no airtime bundles.
I stood in the rain for about 45minutes.
He had called me earlier in the day and asked me to meet up with him for lunch in the posh estate Milimani.
Although I was busy working on my stuff, I needed the money that would come with me seeing this man. I was also hungry, very hungry but decently dressed for the office so no one could tell that I was all broke.
I needed food and money for rent and for making over my little office.
Quickly, I took the little money I had been paid in the morning for working for my grandmother and boarded a motorbike to the Royal City Gardens, Milimani.
I saw men looking at me. If I had not been meeting up with Paul, I'd have loosen up and allowed some of the men to actually come and talk to me. I
also needed to build my network because I am an entrepreneur. Unfortunately, none of them approached me.
Paul came a few minutes after I had arrived driven by his friend in the 2007 model Land Cruiser Prado. I loved the machine. It was my first time getting into a Land cruiser.
Paul had booked an Airbnb and ordered food for me once we were there. I felt awkward, especially standing in front of the cooks and workers there and thinking that they thought that this smartly dressed lady was probably a whore.
I'll take it though.

Once we were together alone, I took a tour around the Airbnb and it reminded me that I was supposed to move out of my parents' house ASAP. I knew I wasn't wanted there. It pained my mum that I ate her food, supper, for free, slept in her house free.
I desperately wanted to move out of that house. I desperately wanted to give my family freedom. I wanted so badly to disappear from their lives, coming back only when I was a billionaire, being featured on FORBES. I knew that dream would come true. The burning desire to become the youngest self made billionaire like Kylie Jenner or Whitney, the desire pushed me to keep working very hard, putting in the extra effort till I saw myself there. I wanted all those who despised me to tell how I am their relative, how they knew me...
To my family and relatives, I was dirt, I was a whore. Recently I had been involved in a trending family gossip where my aunt, who's my dad's sister, had claimed that I called her husband, begging him for University fees. She further went on to add that I wanted to meet up with her husband privately and sleep with him for me to procure the money.
That evening, she called my dad, mom, grandad, grandma and relatives, crying, explaining to them how bad and dirty a child I was. And of all the people, she didn't bother to call me and confirm with me.

My parents came home that evening, furious. I wasn't ready for the news I heard when they called me outside to talk to me.
I didn't try to explain myself to them. I stood as still as a sentinel as they lectured me.
The next morning at exactly 8:20AM, my aunt texted me.

What type of a child are you? Where did you get my husband's number? What are your intentions?
Anyway, Baba Ryan has said that if you call him again he will have you arrested.
What you did was very bad

I looked at her text message for a very long time. She was threatening me. I did not bother replying. Wherever I passed by I could here whispers as they talked about me.
I just wanted to disappear from my relatives for good. I wanted so badly to separate myself from them. I knew that that time too, would eventually come.

I joined Paul on the couch where he sat watching me. I touched me. I didn't like him, but I needed money. I had no one to ask for money to pay my bills. Even though I was working full time, my projects had not matured enough to generate money to sustain me. That was why I was still stuck at my grandma's shop. I badly needed financial freedom and everyday I saw it coming!
I told Paul about my aunts husband, and he seemed to know him very well.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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