7. that i have to live without

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"Hi, Sab!" I say with a big smile as she walks across the gym floor. I was sitting in on practice since Caitlin had asked me to, but I really just listen Lisa and Jan talk while the girls shoot around for the last few minutes of practice.

I climb off the bleachers to where she stands and I wrap my arms around her, "What're you doing here?" I question. Normally, the cheerleaders didn't come in during practices.

"Left my bag here the other night and I didn't know who was practicing, the boys or girls," Sabrina explains as we walk toward the locker room.

"I didn't think you came to practices, what's up?" She asks, opening the door and the two of us walk inside.

I give her a gentle smile, "Caitlin asked if I was coming, so I thought I would."

Sabrina shimmies her shoulders, "Ohhh, Caitlin asked you to come. You ask her out yet?" she questions, grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulders.

"What? No!" I say, shoving Sabrina's shoulder, "Why would you say that?"

Sabrina smiles, "Oh, come on, Annie, you're like in love with her."

I shake my head as I hold the door to the locker room open, the two of us walk out together. Lisa and Jan's heads turn towards us and I see Caitlin talking to them, her eyes now on me as well. I give the girl a smile as Lisa calls the girls in for a little meeting before dismissing practice, the team going to the locker rooms to change. Tomorrow, we play Iowa State in our arena, which should be a fun match up.

Sabrina nudges me a little, "Ask her out," she whispers before walking away and out of the gym. I shake my head, making my way back toward the bleachers where my things are.

"You don't normally sit in on practice, kid. Whatcha doin'?" Bluder asks as I wait for Monika and Caitlin.

I shrug my shoulders, "Caitlin asked if I was coming, just decided to come hang out for a bit."

Lisa presses her hand to my shoulder for a split second, "Always happy to have you, kid," she smiles. I give her a smile as well as she walks away from me, leaving me to wait for my friends.

A few minutes pass before Gabbie and Sydney exit the locker room, bags on their shoulders as they walk toward the doors. Gabbie stops in front of where I'm sitting on the bleachers, "Hi, sweet girl, Mon and Caitlin should be out in a few," she tells me, holding out her hand to me.

Gabbie gave me the nickname "sweet girl" before I had even started college at Iowa. I had met her at a few games during Monika's sophomore season and we kind of just clicked.

"Thanks, G," I say with a smile, grabbing her outstretched hand and squeezing gently. Gabbie walks away after a few moments and I wave.

At the same time, the knuckleheads I'm waiting on step out of the locker room, "Finally, you guys take forever," I joke when they reach me. Monika wraps an arm around my neck, ruffling my hair with her knuckles, "Okay, okay, stop!" I laugh as she releases me and I look to Caitlin. She has a big smile on her lips, one that makes me happy.

"You ready?" Monika asks and I nod, the three of us leaving the gym at the same time.

I rode with Monika, she and Caitlin parked next to each other. Before we leave, I give Caitlin a hug and so does Monika and we bid our farewells until tomorrow.

Monika starts her car and stares at me, not even touching anything. I furrow my brows, "Yes?" I question.

"I don't know how Caitlin feels about you, but if the two of you keep staring at each other with these fucking googly eyes and neither of you make a move-," I cut Monika off.

"We don't look at each other with— does Cait really look at me that way?" I ask.

Monika nods quickly, "And I know you like her, I think it's pretty clear that she likes you too."

"I doubt it."

"She literally can't keep her hands off of you, Lils. She's in love." Monika tries to convince me.

I press my lips together, "Okay, okay, whatever you think." I say, raising my hands in surrender.

She shakes her head with a smile, "Do you wanna get food?"

I nod, "Canes?"

"You know it, babe."

authors note
once again love lily and mon !!

she, caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now