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(Cross-posted from my Ao3 account. Enjoy!)

Quincy sighed as Reginald drove the large white Lamborghini back to Quincy's home. Quincy had been having a rough day as the son of the CEO of DoodleCo, and personally wanted to get home and relax.

Well, there was something else he wanted to get home to—or rather someone.

Quincy shared a home with his husband. Yes, you heard me right! Husband!

This man in particular was none other than his childhood enemy, TJ. Quincy would admit that when he was younger, he didn't exactly like that many people, and hated TJ in particular. Over the course of the Key Finding Tournament, eventually, that rivalry turned into a friendship, and that friendship bloomed into a romance. As you can see, they got married, and they now live peacefully in their shared home.

Quincy stared out of the heavily tinted window and recognized the familiar route back to his home. He cheered up at knowing he would see his beloved soon.

As soon as the Lamborghini came to a complete stop, Quincy nearly jumped out. He quickly opened the door and called out to TJ.

"TJ, I'm home!" he called.

TJ appeared almost as if out of nowhere and hugged him. "Quincy! I missed you!"

Quincy hugged him back and kissed TJ's forehead softly.

"I missed you, too."

TJ smiled and let go of Quincy.

"Let's have dinner, then we can cuddle and talk about our days."

Quincy hummed in response.

They walked into the kitchen and TJ served them dinner. It was some simple chicken alfredo, but it still tasted great. They chatted while eating and took the time to enjoy each other's company.

Once they finished, they finally went up to their bedroom. Quincy kicked his shoes off and lay down on the bed, right next to TJ.

TJ wrapped his limbs around Quincy's body and snuggled up to him, forehead resting on his chest.

"So, how was your day?" TJ asked.

"It was...rough. I've been having a hard time cooperating with Portia lately, and I'm not enjoying having her as my Secretary. The only reason that she's my Secretary is that my father favors her. According to him, 'She follows the craft of DoodleCo and has been with us for a long time, so we have to keep her.'" Quincy said, using air quotes. "Fortunately, I'm going to become CEO soon and as soon as that happens, I am not letting Portia keep that position."

"Too bad I don't work at DoodleCo. If I did, I wouldn't mind being your Secretary," TJ replied.

"If you want to work at DoodleCo, I can make it happen."

"You know I can't quit my job at the diner! I'm their best employee, plus, my friends will miss me."

Quincy hummed.

"No matter. Once I become CEO, I'll make enough so that you don't have to work anymore."

"Well, what if I wanna work?"

"Then you can work for DoodleCo, right next to me."

"You're persistent. Fine. When you become the CEO, I'll work at DoodleCo."

Quincy smiled. TJ cuddled as close to Quincy as possible.

"...I'm tired. Let's go to sleep, yeah?"

"You didn't tell me about your day."

"All I did was cook food and serve it all day. I did the same thing when I got home."

"That's no good. Now I definitely want you to work with me. I'll pamper you and let you relax and still give you excellent pay."

"That's cheating. What if someone finds out? Then we're in big trouble!"

"We'll cross that bridge when it comes to it. Let's get ready for bed."

TJ made a 'hmm' noise as if questioning Quincy, but listened and got ready for bed.

"Goodnight," TJ said.

"Goodnight," Quincy replied.

They turned off the light in the room and fell asleep.

TJ and Quincy Don't Hate Each OtherWhere stories live. Discover now