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Ok so if you guys remembered in S5 universe book when I used an AI generator for different generated versions of S5 well I decided to make some more but with the leftover beans and I'll also be rating those as well, let's start!

The creature who eats Rider's hair- *cough* Goggles.
Here's the original:

Here's the original:

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Example 1:

My thoughts: I like the way it added more flowers and sparkles on the outfit

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My thoughts: I like the way it added more flowers and sparkles on the outfit. (8/10)

Example 2:

My thoughts: There are fewer flowers than the previous one but on the other hand I like the way they did the hair

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My thoughts: There are fewer flowers than the previous one but on the other hand I like the way they did the hair. (6/10)

Golden spoiled bi- I mean Emperor...yeah Emperor
Here's the original:

yeah Emperor Here's the original:

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Random Apocalypse of Art (Art and Randomness peeps 2)Where stories live. Discover now