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"Your turn." Lucifer says, glancing over at Dan in the driver's seat of the car. They're on a stakeout, and have started playing this non-dare version of truth or dare to pass the time. The lieutenant had assigned them this case at about one this afternoon, it's now nearly one the next morning, and Dan can tell Lucifer is bored out of his mind.

"Okay," Dan replies, thinking carefully about his next question. " When was the last illegal thing you did?"

Lucifer thinks about it for a moment.

"Yesterday, if I recall correctly."

Dan very quickly tears his gaze away from the street in front of them and faces Lucifer.

"What, um...what?"

"Relax, Daniel, I can assure you it's not anything serious." He says. Dan does relax a bit.

"Then what was it?"

"I'm afraid that wasn't a part of your question. You don't get two questions, it's my turn."

Dan just rolls his eyes and looks away.

"Do you have any secret kinks that no one knows about?"

Dan looks at him again, and Lucifer seems very pleased with himself.

"Yes." he replies.

"Wonderful, Daniel," Lucifer smirks. "Do go on, share your secrets with me."

"That wasn't part of your question." he repeats Lucifer's comment from before, now feeling very pleased with himself. Lucifer, however, is not very happy.

"How dare you use my argument against me."

"You answer my question first, then I'll answer yours."

They stare at each other for a moment without talking, before Lucifer speaks again.

"Very well. Assault and battery." Lucifer says as if it's just a regular Tuesday.

"Excuse me?"

"In my defence," Lucifer starts, turning to properly address his current partner. "This person really had it coming."

"That's not exactly a defense, man, it's still illegal."

"Oh, it isn't a problem, Daniel, I've paid for his medical bills."

"That's...good?" He's unsure where this conversation has led them.

"Anyway, I never thought I'd say this, but enough about me," Lucifer says as Dan faces him. "It's your turn, Detective."

Dan goes to speak but doesn't know if he wants to. Lucifer is the Devil, after all, how can he trust him to keep a secret?

"How do I know you won't tell anyone?"

"Daniel, you have my word. Whatever we say in the car, stays in the car, alright?"

Dan nods, relieved to have some kind of confidentiality. He doesn't know a lot about Lucifer Morningstar, but he does know that having his word means a hell of a lot.

"Okay, well," Dan swallows. "I like causing pain for my partner but only if they want it, I like receiving pain, and being degraded. Bondage is also good, too, whether it's me or my partner. And I have this thing where I find it insanely hot thinking about doing it in public. Not hugely public, but where I wouldn't be caught, even though the possibility is there."

He looks over at Lucifer to see his reaction. He appears to be in a state of excitement ( and arousal? ) from having Dan tell him about his kinks and what gets him going.

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