Incorrect quotes (4)

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(Here I am, back again with a special edition chapter of incorrect quotes! And by "special edition," I just mean that all the quotes were taken from random posts I have saved on my Instagram. Sooooo maybe not so special to you guys, but it is for me at least. Anyway let's get into this nonsense already.)
Howard: I wanna take someone on a date to a library on a rainy day and we can run around to different shelves and show each other our favorite stories and we'll go to a cozy corner with our arms full of books and sit together and cuddle with hot tea and read together until our cheeks are pink and our hearts are fuzzy and warm...

WAM: Honestly if I'm studying for an important test at the library while you two have your obnoxious little date I'll kick both of your asses.
Nasher (Specimen 10): I may not have any thoughts or brain cells, but that doesn't mean my head is empty! It's actually full of those glow-in-the-dark stars you stick on your ceiling!
Bab: Oh god my girlfriend isn't around and I forgot the English word for this thing and it's bAd, she usually helps but I cAN'T-

Gale (Specimen 2): I WILL ASSIST!

Bab: You know that little sea bug with the stupid hands and it has a home but it changes homes sometimes because it gets too big for it?? What is it???

Gale: ...Hermit crab??

Silas (Specimen 14): Didn't you... die???

Hiroto (Specimen 9): That was weeks ago dude, things change.
Bekka: If a beautiful woman disagrees with me, I will immediately change my views. I have no principles.

Lisa: Well maybeeeee you should haaaave principlessss...

Bekka: Yeah you're right maybe I should.
Gale: Excuse me, have you ever been arrested? Cause-

Rusty (Specimen 11): Yeah how could you tell?

Gale: I was... gonna say it's illegal to be that cute but now I'm curious.

Rusty: Aggravated assault.
Dray (Monster 4): In a constant state of "how dare you assume I know what I'm doing" but also "don't you dare question me or what I'm doing."

Dray: "I have no idea what I'm doing and you can't stop me."
Ben: I like that at some point, a human looked at a sheep and went "oh man that looks warm, I wish I was that warm" and then stole all its hair.

Ringu: Wig snatched!

Lyre (Specimen 8): ...Millennias of language interpretation have culminated in this...
Nox (Unknown Specimen 3 Parasite): Teen horse girl movie where the horse dies an hour in and the second half is the girl learning occult science to reanimate it so she can win the big derby.

White Face: Necroprancer!

Otto: Tagline: You can't beat this dead horse!
Silas: State of the world?

Silas: Bad...

Silas: Mental health?

Silas: Also bad...

Silas: But still, we charge forward!
Spooky: Pleasing everyone is impossible.

Spooky: But killing them is easy and fun as hell!
Erna: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out.

Bab: Nah, it's my fault. I shouldn't have used my one phone call to prank call the police.

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