Now what...?

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TW: Swearing. Just a little tho.

"Will you marry me?"

Eda's POV:
Oh my Titan...t-they just asked me to marry them! I-I have no idea what to say! I mean, yeah. I do want to marry them. But, like-...Oh my Titan! Okay's hard to breath. Why am I crying so much!? Calm down. Just say yes.

Narrator's POV:
Eda opens her mouth in an attempt to talk but no words come out.

Eda's POV:
Mother Titan! What is wrong with me!? Say something! Do something! Anything!"

Narrator's POV:
Instead of saying something, all Eda can manage to do is nod.

Eda's POV:
What the hell is wrong with me!? Why am I like this!?

Meanwhile in Raine's Head

"Will you marry me?"

Narrator's POV:
As soon as the words left Raine's mouth, tears started streaming from Eda's eyes.

Raine's POV:
Oh Titan! I made her cry! Stupid Raine! Stupid! I knew this was a bad idea!

Narrator's POV:
While Raine's busy cursing themself, something happened...something they didn't expect...Eda said yes. Well, she nodded.

Raine's POV:
Seriously Raine! What the fu-...she...she nodded...what do I do now?...The ring!

Back in, "The Real World"

Raine quickly stood up. Eda still had her hands over her mouth though. Raine didn't know what to say and Eda was just frozen. She didn't even know how she brought herself to nod. Raine held up the ring a little higher to silently tell Eda that they needed to put the ring on her finger.

"What are they...Oh!...Titan, I'm an idiot." Eda thought nervously realizing that she had been frozen. She quickly put out her hand and Raine slides the ring on.

Well...they were engaged...

Now what...?

A/N: Sorry for all the POV switches. I couldn't figure out any other way to write this...Anyway I hope you enjoyed! +Now I can FINALLY start writing more of TOH gc. When I start writing that again that will be proposed in the story. This is actually the last part...soooo...I hope you liked it. God, this is a long A/N. (That's what she said.) BYEEEE! <3


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