A brief intro into All for the Game

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All for the game is a trilogy written by Nora Sakavic.

Summary: Neil Josten is the newest addition to the Palmetto State University Exy team. He's short, he's fast, he's got a ton of potential—and he's the runaway son of the murderous crime lord known as The Butcher.
Signing a contract with the PSU Foxes is the last thing a guy like Neil should do. The team is high profile and he doesn't need sports crews broadcasting pictures of his face around the nation. His lies will hold up only so long under this kind of scrutiny and the truth will get him killed.
But Neil's not the only one with secrets on the team. One of Neil's new teammates is a friend from his old life, and Neil can't walk away from him a second time. Neil has survived the last eight years by running. Maybe he's finally found someone and something worth fighting for.

The books in the trilogy are: The Foxhole Court, The Raven King, and The King's Men, but Nora has written some bonus work from post-canon as well.

Exy is a fiction sport that is better than quidditch because it doesn't have any stupid rules that make no sense. It is described as the 'bastard son of lacrosse and hockey". If it were a real sport, I would probably sign up to play it because of this book. It has quite a few lgbtq characters and to a lesser extent POC characters (they aren't as obvious as the lgbtq characters but they are there).

All in all, it's a pretty good book. It pretty violent and there are mentions and implications of rape, assault, and self harm, and many of the characters suffer from addictions to drugs, alcohol, and smoking. There are a few sex scenes but nothing to explicit. 10/10, would read these books again.

They are pretty hard books to find but I would willingly post the PDFs I downloaded here if asked.

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