Part 11

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WWE has a house show in LA. I'm the only one not wrestling, because the group hasn't debuted yet. We're all using Ric's bus to get to Rosalyn's house. She's making breakfast.

ME: "I actually have no idea how she's gonna react to you 3."
RANDY: "Everyone loves me!"
ME: "Why are you always a prick?"
RANDY: "I'm your prick."

Randy rubbed my hair. We finally got to Rosalyn's house. It's huge. They were all shocked.

BATISTA: "What does your sister do?"
ME: "She models."

I knocked. Rosalyn let us in. The table looked like a buffet.

ROSALYN: "You can sit."
We sat at the table and grabbed our food. She got each of us coffee.

TRIPLE H: "You really want Kathie drinking coffee? She's hyper enough, as is."

I laughed when my mug was sat in front of me. Rosalyn sat down.

ROSALYN: "So Kathlyn told me she's getting back into wrestling."
RIC: "She's been doing really well."
ROSALYN: "I wouldn't doubt that."

I noticed Triple H staring at Rosalyn. I sent a text, under the table. He read: "She's single."

TRIPLE H: "Shut up."
I sent another text saying: "Invite her to the show."
TRIPLE H: "Would you like to come to the show with us? We could show you what we've been teaching her, before the show starts."

ME: "I would love to."
I noticed him and Kathlyn laughing and joking around. I'm glad she found someone who makes her happy, and he was cute. I'm not usually into guys with long hair, but I could make an exception.

MAN: "My name is Paul. He's Dave, and he's Randy."

We talked more, until it was time to get on the bus. They had to have a meeting with the boss, at a certain time. When we got there, I stood outside the office with Ric.

RIC: "You and Paul huh?"
ME: "What?"
RIC: "Kat told me. She thinks Paul likes you too, and that's why they invited you."

They came out of the office.
PAUL: "I think it's this way."

We walked to the ring. Paul was wearing his gear.

ME: "I can't imagine being in front of this many people, every night."
He got in the ring with Kathlyn. They had amazing chemistry. He was making sure she was safe. He looked hot in his gear. His body was really attractive. He got out of the ring and Ric went in. Paul stood next to me. Ric removed his shirt.

PAUL: "Hey."
ME: "Hi."

Paul went back to looking at the match. He was yelling out moves at some points, and Kathlyn did them. We went backstage, after the match.

PAUL: "Want to see something?"
He and I stopped. He opened his suitcase. He pulled out his championship. I touched it.

ME: "I've only seen the women's title. Kathlyn has a replica. Hers has a blue strap though, since that's her favorite color. And silver plates. She's not a fan of gold. Your belt is a lot bigger."

Paul laughed.
PAUL: "I was actually wondering if I could have your number. I would like to hang out again."

We gave each other our numbers and he got ready for the show.

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