our last snide moments

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 He had pressed the blade down on my throat, the pressure of his body filling my head, the blade barely on my throat. I pressed all my strength into my arms, struggling to keep his hands from slicing through my neck.

"Please just let go." tears run down his cheeks and land on mine. He grits his teeth, as he pushes even harder.

My voice broke as I plead. "You can't do this. You need me. They need me." I tried to ignore the pain coursing through my body, each point he hit, pulsed, and burned.

"That's exactly why," he grunted and his face turned redder, the sweat shining bright in the moonlight, "I can't leave you alive. I need you to go."

The look in his eye said more than words ever could. His nostrils flared as he adjusted his shoulders, his body weighing more on my chest, my breath still heavy and limited. With every gulp, my throat lightly grazed the sharp edge. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, my muscles twitched, and my body slowly gave in. In one prying push. The blade pierced my skin, falling smoothly through my body. The blood quickly pooled around my severed body. I felt the weight rise, his face leaving my gaze, the bright light of the sky embracing me. The lightness filled me entirely. His sobs were slowly drowned out by the silence. Nothing remained but my lifeless body, still on the ground. He reached for my face and closed my eyes. He knelt next to my body, hand in mine, his head pressed on my chest as he let out his final words in between his gasps for air.

The wind carried the dancing leaves that swirled around our last snide moments. 

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