My heart

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I was pushed into an alleyway by my ex boyfriend, He grabbed me and started kissing me but no matter how hard I tried he wouldn't let go. Once he stopped I whispered in his ear. "Burn Love" then walked off as he was slaughtered to death.

A week later...

I walked into the kitchen and looked at my TV to see that Ethan had went missing, I grinned and went into the kitchen to see my mother proud as a Lion.

"What my heart does what my heart want's"
"Your so lucky you guys were in a alley-"

Before my mother could finish her sentence someone knocked on the door. I opened to door two see a police officer with a notepad ready to write.

"I heard your Ethan's girlfriend"
"Ex girlfriend"
"Right right, When was the last time you saw him?"
"Two weeks ago and I heard he went missing last week?"
"Correct now do you know anyone who would kidnap him or kill him?"

I knew what to say because once he died I requested the monster to put his body in his girlfriends basement.

"Yes, his girlfriend Chloe"
"Thank you ma'am"

The officer left and closed the door, I watched as he started to drive to Chloe's house.

Two hours later...

The news popped up and showed Chloe face with the line Boyfriends body found in girls basement! I grinned at the sight of her crying.

My heart does what my heart want's...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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