Untitled Part

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Why can't I get my brain

And my pen to communicate?

The words start to form

But I can't keep them straight

I'll get a good idea

And write a great start

Every single word

Coming straight from my heart

But then my mind goes blank

And more than one sits incomplete

I keep going back trying to finish

And once again I have to retreat

I'm starting to get scared

It's turning into a legit fear

That my passion for writing poetry

Is starting to disappear

I've always felt that being

A poet was what makes me, me.

With out a doubt it makes up

a huge part of my identity

The words use to flow so easily

Now they get scrambled up inside

It's like no matter how hard I look

I can't seem to find where they hide

But I'm starting to feel hope

My faith in writing has replenished

I started this poem not knowing

If it would ever be finished

And as this poem ends

I know no matter the cost

That I'll always find my passion for writing

For you can't loose what was never lost.

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