Part 8 - End 🏁

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Cam's POV:

I couldn't believe Brandon. I felt such a rush of anger that I needed to fire something. I sat facing the wardrobe when I realised that I could simply take my paintball gun out. I shot it at the photo of a weiner on my wall above the bed before tears started to well up in my eyes. Had I been the slightest bit overdramatic? The thing is, I was certain Brandon would have done the same thing.

There was the slightest knock at the door. If I had kept sniffling to myself I wouldn't have heard it. As I was walking over to my door, I heard heavy footsteps that resembled running on the other side. I also heard a loud thud and a slight "ow". I opened the door. Brandon was no where in sight, and on the carpet was a glass of liquid. There was a little note resting on the bottom of the cup. I unfolded the piece of paper.

"Will you forgive me? Pretty Please?"

I picked up the glass and gave it a sniff. Could it actually be?...

I brought the cup up to my lips and gave it a sip. The salty, meaty, skin-flavoured liquid brought me joy as I chugged the whole thing in one go. The refreshing fluid gave be a burst of adrenaline, and I realised that Brandon's relationship was totally more important to me than weiner water.

I noticed that he had been peeking at me from the corner of the hallway, however when we made eye contact, he started running. 

"Brandon! Wait!" I yelled and I took off running after him, down the stairs. At the second-last step I stepped further than expected, and I felt my uncontrolled body fall against the power of gravity. 

I realised that Brandon stopped running.


It was like déjà vu. In mid air Brandon caught me and held me in his arms. I felt so happy to see his face again.

"I'm so sorry about what I said before, and how I acted. I know you have a higher status than weiner water and I know that I was wrong. Friends? - well, sort of -?"

Brandon smiled and stood me up straight, brushed me off, and that was when he kissed me.


I can't believe how many people read this so thank you so so much. If any of this made you feel weird I deeply, deeply apologise (I got my creative juices flowing and I clearly couldn't stop) and would like you to remember that this is all a story (I mean, unless you want to believe it's real, which it isn't 👀). If Brandon or Cam managed to see this then Hi :D You asked for it and I served you an eight course meal.

As you can probably imagine this is dedicated to ImBrandonFarris and Cameron Domasky on YouTube. Probably the two best youtubers out there.

Hope you managed to surprisingly enjoy this as much as I surprisingly enjoyed writing it!

- barkingloudlyinurear 💕

"Pretty Please" a Brandon Farris and Cameron Domasky fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now