The boy's mine

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Shit, how could they be so careless.

It was just a small slip. Really a small one. Pablo was hundert percent sure that there weren’t any cameras but apparently he missed some.

And now the world was upside down.

The fact that that the young midfielder of Barcelona with the number 30 and the Brazilian striker of Madrid quarreled more on the pitch than the rest of them hadn’t gone unnoticed by the media either.

Nowadays,nobody could open social media without finding out- may it be by interest or by force-that these two had a sort of chemistry as the pictures of both of them were plastered all over Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Co.

And they did. They had some sort of weird chemistry. They both hated each other. However on their on twisted ways.

But what nobody beside them knew was that whatever that was between them came with certain benefits. So they were like friends enemies with benefits- if such a thing exists.

The first time it happened was after Barca won 1-0 against Real. The Brazilian was already unbearable on the pitch as the Madridstas tried to equalise the goal score and Pablo had to stop the striker more times than he could count.

Later that evening-with his teammates just some doors away- Vinicius cornered the Sevillian in a dark corridor.

The South American put both of his hands near Pablo’s head against the wall, caging him successfully. He didn’t say anything just leaned forward-slowly and his eyes not leaving Pablo’s- giving the Spaniard enough time to pull back but the Cule held his ground refusing to back away now.

As Vinicius’s lips met his own he felt an unfamiliar, tingling feeling travelling down his spine.

That was new...

The kiss itself was far from sweet or tender, no instead Vinicius cupped his face before kissing him hard- almost like it was supposed to be a punishment.

They didn’t go any further than kissing that day. But both of them knew it wasn’t the last time. And that’s how their fucked up ‘relationship‘ started.

Afterwards Pablo was ashamed of his behaviour. He knew for a long time that he wasn’t attracted to girls. As he was fourteen and all his friends already had girlfriends he didn’t questioned what was wrong with him.

But later as Aurora started to bring her boyfriend home, he caught himself looking longer at him than it was considered appropriate.

That would explain his lack of interest in girls.

But what was Vinicius excuse?

Was he gay, bisexual? Or was it just a way to get rid of his frustration?

The second time they encountered each other was in April. The game was like always a heated one and although they lost by four goals it didn’t stop Pablo from sneaking into the guest dressing room-after assuring his teammates that he would take a cab home and making sure that the other Madrid players were gone- before walking to Vinicius who was sitting on the bank with just a towel around his hips.

Like he could sense Pablo he looked up and smirked at him before they kissed like there life dependent on it. And if they did other unethical things in that dressing room nobody needed to know it.

However you wanted to label that thing between them:
‘Enemies with benefits’ or ‘opponents who let out their frustration after a game’

Pablo knew that he should enjoy it while he can because if he learned one thing in his eighteen years, it was that all good things came with an expiration date.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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