Chapter Two

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"Papaaa!" Frodo whined from the back of the covered wagon as the older hobbit urged the horses onward. "Are we getting close? We've been on the road forever!"

Bilbo sighed and tightened his grip on the reins. The last few days, Frodo had repeatedly asked if they were any closer to Erebor, and each time, he told the boy that whining wouldn't get them there any faster.

"Frodo, we just left Mirkwood," he sighed and tried to regain the last of his patience. "We have yet to reach Dale, where we will stay with King Bard for the night, then set off to Erebor."

"How long until we reach Dale?" Frodo asked.

"I'd estimate about a good two or three days," Bilbo shrugged. He tried not to allow his irritation to grow from Frodo's endless questions and whining. He knew it wasn't the tween's fault. Their six-month journey was trying enough for him and would have been worse for the young boy.

"That's too long! We've been on the road for ages!"

"I did warn you it would be a long and arduous journey, yet you insisted that you wanted to go."

"I know, but it doesn't mean I have to like it!" The tween pouted.

"I agree, but I can't listen to your complaints much longer. Please try to be patient for a few more days. Can you do that for me, love?"

"I'll try...." Frodo mumbled.

"That's my boy. Now do try to keep your chin up. Soon enough, you will meet your aunt Dis and cousins Dain, Balin, Dwalin, Oin, Gloin and his son Gimli. I've heard he's grown to be a fine young dwarf. You know, he's very excited to meet you."


"Truly." Bilbo glanced back at Frodo and smiled when he saw a big grin on his son's face. "He reached adulthood by dwarven standards a few years ago, but he's still young. He is thrilled to have a young cousin to spend time with. I haven't met the lad, but Gloin praised the boy during our trip to Erebor."

"Will you be okay?" Frodo asked after a few moments of silence.

The question made Bilbo pause. "Why do you ask? Why would it be hard for me?"

"Well... It's just that Erebor was... it was supposed to be Papa's kingdom, and now he's dead... And you haven't been there since his death. I just thought it would be difficult for you."

Bilbo hadn't thought about how he'd react upon seeing the lonely mountain again. Frodo had been so excited at the idea of visiting and meeting the family he never knew he had that Bilbo just couldn't say no to him. He couldn't deny the boy of his family and culture, but it never occurred to him how this trip would affect him.

The thought of Erebor was still painful and brought back terrible memories, but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make for his son. In truth, Bilbo didn't know how he would react once he actually stepped inside the mountain, but he knew his friends and family would be there to help him.

"I'll be fine," Bilbo reassured the tween looking at him with worried blue eyes. "I'll be fine, and if things get hard, I'll have the support of our family. You just focus on getting to know everyone, and don't worry about me, okay?"

"Okay...." Frodo was unconvinced and worried about his father, but if the older hobbit said he'd be fine, he'd just have to trust him. After all, adults knew everything, right?

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