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"Okie dokie lets land!" Said the doctor as he pulled levers and pushed buttons. Amelia was fed up, "DOCTOR, WHERE ARE WE GOING" She yelled, The doctor was startled, "um, actually I don't know-"
Shake bump shake
"The TARDIS pulled us here, so let's see what happened." They stepped out and found themselves in london, by the looks of it, kind of. Exept that it's REALLY REALLY new london.
The doctor smiled, "4317 the new london." Amy sighed, "been there done that." The doctor scoffed, yeah but this one is under ground."
"Yeah yeah, always trying to impress me." The doctor scoffed, and Amy rolled her eyes. "Now let's see why we were pulled here." stated the doctor and they headed down the darkest hall to the left of the dark cave they had landed in.

"Doctor this is useless, there are are NO aliens here" But they heard a sound, it sounded like water, dripping at a steady pace, like someone had left the tap on to long. drip drip driiiiiiip, drip drip drip drip drip. The sound was maddening. so of course the doctor sprinted towards the sound exitement in his eyes. Amy ran after him, following the sound of rubber converse shoes hitting stone.

They soon reached and opening and they stopped to tale a breath, they were both panting. In front of them a medival style wooden door about eight feet tall stood, looming over them, taunting them almost. The doctor took out his sonic and started to scan the door, he muttered something about wood. Amy kicked open the door, and strolled in. The doctor gasps and he strides over to her, "what are you doing?" Amy smiled, "I, am making sure we don't stand at that door for a centurie. "I am glad you've arrrrrrrived" slurred a alien looming above them, he looked like a pig and a mutated giant had a child then turned it into water with stones for bones and for eyes weeds from the lakebed, his fingers were encased with pebbles. Amy froze along with the doctor, she could feel the cold sweat dripping down to her jawline and onto the floor. The monster bellowed, "I am a steelersma from the planet Squeerop. my name is Dleeruios and I will not be defeated, he lashed out and the last thing Amy felt was the cold water hitting her skin.

The day that time collapsedWhere stories live. Discover now