[ 001 ] he repents.

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            He'd heard about her. This 'cat-woman' that'd pulled one of the most majestic heists in the history of thievery. She'd stolen a collection of gemstones, with a value of a couple million each. But what made the heist so truly impressive was that Neal himself had tried and failed to formulate a plan to best the security. Back when they'd known one another. Her identity is unknown but somehow he just knows with full certainty that it's her. Mia Valentine is the cat-woman.

He takes this heist as a message to him personally, much like a kick in the teeth. She was better than he ever was, and now he was stuck in a cell, staring at the same four decrepit walls daily.

But now a day has come that he hadn't expected. Suddenly all ill feelings to the girl have left his mind, without a trace.

It's been awhile since they'd been united within the same four walls. If you asked Mia, she'd insist she could've lived forever without seeing him again. But if you asked Neal, he'd have told you the day couldn't have come sooner.

His oceanic eyes dart between the clock ticking gently on the wall and the entrance to the room. He's eager, perched at the edge of his seat, strumming his heel against the paved floor. He knows he's being observed through the camera in the corner of the room but pays it no mind.

He's simply focused on her.

He recalls the way her perfume announces her entrance before her presence does. The way she shamelessly observes him and his mannerisms. Her fiery tongue and attitude. He is and will always be enamoured by her, even despite knowing those beautiful eyes will observe him with nothing as caring as he'd wish to receive.

The fact was she hated him. And he didn't blame her. He lied. He betrayed her. He stole from her. But never once did he loose his love with her.

A heavy gaze weighs upon him and almost immediately he realises just how badly he seeks to rectify their relationship. There's a burning guilt seeping into his bones and it feels as though he'd messed up all over again.

As they sit across from each other, there's a palpable tension hung heavy in the air. He knows it should be him, to break the ice that has formed between them, and yet he can't think of anything to justify what happened. He takes a deep breath and speaks softly,

"Mia, you look well."

"Cut the crap, Neal."  Her words are much harsher than her tone and he unwillingly feels a glimmer of hope. Perhaps she still cares for him.

"I'm surprised you came." He not-so discretely runs his eyes across her body, not perverted in intention. He simply wants to preserve the memory of her beauty.

Mia has no response, just as surprised as him.

"I wanted to congratulate you." He tells her, sparing no details for the officers listening but she understands. He means on the heist.

"Thank you. It was much easier with the absence of a criminal playboy breathing down my neck." Neal raises his brow at her description, an amused smirk finding his lips. She rolls her eyes. "That wasn't a compliment."

"I know." Silence falls between them and she shifts uncomfortably. What had she expected? She isn't sure, but certainly not a social call. After denying to visit for so long she had thought he'd have more to say. Perhaps beg for her forgiveness, something along those lines.

"I'm perhaps getting out soon. Something happened with Kate and she left me for good and now I have the FBI sniffing around my ass. It's possible I can become a consultant though, I'll be mostly free."

He updates her and she shows no care but he knows secretly she's happy for him. He knows that no matter how he'd hurt her she'd always care about him because he'd never been loved so powerfully before. He missed it and he missed her.

"I hope all goes well." She wants to make a comment about the mention of Kate, to laugh at their breakup but she doesn't. She swallows her anger and bites her tongue. He's behind bars, she shouldn't make it any worse for him.

"We should hang out. When I'm out, I mean. Grab some coffee, catch up." Neal proposes and it stings Mia like a slap to the face. Did he really think it'd be that easy?

"I think I'm okay, but best wishes for your trial. I hope you loose the hideous shade of orange sooner than later." She ends with a quick smile but he can tells it's insincere. She leaves before he has the chance to apologise and Neal is alone with his thoughts again.

What could he possibly do to fix what he had broken? Kate was gone, out of his life and it couldn't have happened at a better time for him. Mia had visited, if nothing else, she'd visited and that alone was enough to confirm she cared for him.

He'd be free soon enough, well— freer. And he could finally continue his plan to earn her affection once more. Perhaps his witty charm would aid him, or he could steal something for her?

Perhaps he could simply apologise and attempt to understand her pain, but the thought earned a tinge of guilt in his heart.

He didn't care what he had to do, beg for her if he must, all he knew was that she was all he wanted. And he was good at getting what he wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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