Chapter 3

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You are sixteen now. You now have two younger siblings to keep you company as witnesses to the rain and sometimes the storms.

It's scarring you. You are aware of your mental scars. You are aware of your mother's tired face. Her scars, her forced smiles around relatives.

You are old enough to realize your hatred for your father, your guilty hatred for your mother because you think her weak. You think of her as a coward.

You practice your boxing skills, pounding into the punch bag, imagining it's your father's face. You pound with raw strength, with undistilled anger.

You imagine your opponent is your father and you beat the shit out of him, till you draw blood, till you're dragged away.

Coach is impressed. Your father tells you he's proud of you. You're disgusted when he ruffles your hair but you cover it with a smile, one you learnt from your mother.

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