Chapter 1: Runaway

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It was late at night but Ominis and I are still wide awake, sitting in front of the fireplace in the Slytherin common room.

Sebastian is nowhere to be found after the series of events that happened.

Our eyes are staring at the fire that sways around the firebox keeping us warm, but not warm enough to melt the despair in our hearts.

Anne left Sebastian, Ominis lost his one and only family and I have lost my adoptive father - Professor Fig.

Everyone is still cheering and celebrating for we have won the house cup this year, but no one even knows of the pain we carry after trying to save Hogwarts and ... Anne.

As my mind drifts away, I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"We're gonna be alright Y/N."

I turn my head and see Ominis, he's forcing a smile for me. It must be really hard for him to lose the family that he has been trying to build for years.

"I hope" I replied and forced a smile back at Ominis -like he can see it.

Ominis removes his hand from my shoulder and tries to reach out for his tea on the side table where he is sitting.

"I better visit the undercroft, Sebastian might be there."

"I'll come with you" Ominis replied


We were walking through the dark hallways of the school. As expected, there are prefects stationed in different corners of the Astronomy wing. We used the disillusionment charm to get past them.

We made sure to cast Revelio by the stairs going down to the Defense against the Dark Arts classroom, it was empty.

Heading down, the place was covered in a deafening silence until thankfully Ominis struck up a conversation.

"Any plans for the holiday?" He whispered,

I can feel that he's hesitating to ask but trying to fill the silence

"I will probably go visit my friend in Durmstrang. How about you?"

"Well since I have nowhere to go, I will probably stay with my family even if it's against my will or...I can go to Durmstrang with you. I know a friend there."

"Have you been to Durmstrang before Ominis?"

"Yes a couple of times when I was younger."

"I see, you won't be lost there then"

"Mind you, I probably will -without my wand"

Having this conversation with Ominis is actually helping with my grief right now.

We arrive at the Undercroft but as we enter, Sebastian is nowhere to be seen.

I am already getting worried for his safety.

I look around and find a letter in Braille. I hand it over to Ominis, and he reads it out loud to me.



Don't worry.

I just need some time to be alone.



Ominis closes his eyes in disappointment and sighs,

"I do not know what is going on in Sebastian's head, but I hope he still has a little bit of compassion for the people who are worried about him."

Ominis says in frustration

I don't know what to say.

Sebastian didn't even talk to me after knowing the truth behind Anne's assailant, his last words were "I'm glad you came to Hogwarts".

We've both been through a lot together.

I understand what he was going through and I think I should leave him to his thoughts, but part of me wants to run after him.

I want to see him. I want to talk to him.

"We should probably head back Y/N. I'm getting tired"


As we were walking back to the Slytherin Common room I noticed that Ominis is walking weird. It seems like the red glow that pulses on the tip of his wand is not working.

"Ominis, your wand"

He sighed , "I think I'm too tired to use my magic.....

can you....

-actually never mind, I can just follow your footsteps."

Ominis is the kind of person who will never ask for help because he doesn't want other people to worry about him. He prefers to keep his problems to himself and stay quiet about it.

"I'll help you" - I gently grabbed his arm to guide him on the way to the common room.

He pulled his arms away in shock.

His face was bright red, he wasn't expecting me to grab him.

"I am really sorry Ominis, I wasn't thinking-"

I have never felt so embarrassed with Ominis before.

What was I thinking?! I wasn't even thinking!!

He didn't say a word and he hooked his arm around mine. We felt so close together.

"No, I just wasn't expecting that. I was stunned."

He just smiled as I led him to the common room.

I broke the Disillusionment charm on both of us as we entered.

I asked one of the guys to help Ominis.

We said our good nights and retired to our rooms. I slumped down on to my bed with a single question in my mind,

"Where are you Sebastian?"
End of Chapter 1

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