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stranger is typing...

stranger: ur still here

stranger: no balls

me: i cant

stranger: how cumm

me: kys

stranger: ok

me: stop

stranger: what

me: talking to me

stranger: leave then idiot

me: believe me i want to

stranger: why can't

me: bc

Stranger: im so attractive

me: no

me: no homo bro

stranger: homophobe

me: nonsense

me: my computer is a fucking old hag wont let me quit

stranger: close the window then

me: I can't

stranger: how can u text me

me: because the keyboard isn't a bitch

stranger: that doesnt make any sense

me: whatever you say

stranger: i say whatever

me: ha ha ha

stranger: im funny

me: nope

stranger: ive got funnier jokes

stranger: and theyre funny

me: sure

me: btw the thing u did ther wasn't even a joke

stranger: whatever u say lameass

stranger: so do u wanna hear one of them

me: No thanks.

stranger: bitch

me: dont call me names you twat

stranger: u just called me twat

stranger: i could report u to the police

me: u have nothing against me i'll say it was self defense

stranger: ok then lil bitch

me: twat

stranger: twink

me: shut the fuck up.

stranger: homophobe

me: and ur dumb to say that

stranger: im not dumb u are

me: sounds fake but ok

stranger: ill prove to u my intelligence w my famous knock knock jokes

stranger: knock knock

me: no

stranger: KNOCK KNOCK

me: fine

me: whos there

stranger: u know

me: you know who?

stranger: exactly

me: that wasnt even funny

stranger: so much hate

me: ill show u funny

me: What rhymes with "boo" and really stinks?

stranger: what

me: u

stranger: haters only make me strongee

stranger: and that was cheap

stranger: im the joke master

stranger: you can fuck off

me: ow im crying

me: violently

me: i hope my tears are kicking the shit out of you rn

stranger: nope nope

stranger: #sorrynotsorry

stranger: why did the tomato blush?

me: why?

stranger: because it saw the salad dressing

me: eww

stranger: it was hilarious

me: sure sorry joke master

stranger: good boy

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