Tall, Dark and Handsome is back...

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It's not by no means easy being that only mid-class girl at your high school for the rich and beautiful. By their standard I'm nether of them. Then it doesn't help that the town for that said high school of the rich and beautiful is one of those small towns that you read in the horribly written romantic novels where everyone is in everyone else's business. It also doesn't help that since everyone in the towns knows everything then everyone in your high school knows that you had a summer fling with the incredibly hot and up to no good, Jayce Browen and because of that everyone looks at you like there was something wrong with you and that you might break down and cry because he has that affected on the girls he dates. But those girls are already emotional train wrecks and slightly psycho. So it was nothing new to hear my name pop up in discussions form my classmates in AP History since I got all of those wonderful things going for me.

1. Poor by the town's standards
2. Dated Jayce Browen
And 3. About to fall to pieces any moment apparently.

But it was something new to hear Jayce's name pop up into the mumbling of the girls next to me. my head popped up form my school work and I looked at the girls next to me. cheerleaders of course. Not that I have anything against cheerleaders, one of my best friends is the caption of the pom pom squad, it's just that you gossup all the time and half of the stuff they hear or get form facebook or Instagram isn't even true half of the time. They just talk to talk and it causes alot of unneeded drama. Because unneeded drama is just what you need for a high school to be just for the rich and beautiful, plus one normal person.

"Did you hear that Jayce has came back to our school and after he broke up with poor....what's her name again?" The dark haired cheerleader said as they scrolled throw her Iphone 6. The blonde sitting in front of her, bit her bright pink nail in thought.

"Avah," the blond said finally. "I think." The dark hair one nodded and put down her phone.

"He apparently got black listed from the best boarding schools in Europe and he's still not allowed in American boarding since the fire. So his parents have not choose but to send him here," She said looking at her nails.

"Poor Avah," the other said. "It must be soo hard on her."

Like I said, isn't even true. Sure, I believe that Jayce got black listed. that boy was just asking for trouble but seeing him around school isn't going to be hard on me. we both agreed when we started seeing each other that it was just a summer thing and it didn't mean anything. It was just fun. A lot of fun. I sighed and looked back down at my book on my desk but my brain was somewhere else. The bell rang for lunch and a barely heard it for my thought were back in some far corner of my brain. I was the last one to live the class room with my books in my arms and my pen hold my blond hair in a bun on the back of my head. You can call me a nerd or a geek or even a good girl. I know every one else does. only if they only knew.

The halls of Arrowsmith High are always crowed with giggling cheerleaders, yelling jocks and quite yet still annoying band kids. The sound of black dress shoes on the white floors hurt my ears and the smells of over used perfume and cologne were intoxicating. I ran a hand through my hair feeling everyone's eyes on me, just because the boy I had a stupid summer romanic with was coming to our school today. I reached my locker to find my two best friends in the whole world waiting for me. Linda was the first out of the two of them to spot me in the crowed and she half jogged and half skipped over to me, her red ponytail swinging behind her as she did so. She pulled me into a tight hug.

"We're here for you, you know that. And if you need me to I'll kick his ass no matter how good looking it is," She said into my hair before pulling back, looking at me. Of course, she heard. One of her cheerleaders must have told her. I shrugged her hands off of my shoulders and gave her a smile that said "I'm fine, lets stop talking about that". She gave me a small smile and moved so I could get to my locker. Jade, our quiet bookworm, pushed up her glasses and looked at me.

"She seems fine, Linda," She said softly as Linda walked over and leaned on the lockers between me and her.

"that's what she wants you to think," She said. "deep inside she's dieing at the fact that Jayce is going be propley going to be in one of her class. their eyes will meet and then he'll just look away like you two didn't go skinny dipping into my swimming pool drink one night." I forgot about that and I wished that Linda would forget about that too. God that was- why would I even do that? Oh, yeah...we were drunk and Jayce talked me into it with his eyes. His big brown eyes that had an extra sparkle in them from the liquor. I shook my head and looked at Linda and Jade.

"I'm fine and that's never going to happen," I said. They looked at each other and the look on both of their faces said that they didn't believe me.

"I'm fine!" I said slightly louder and my feet turned up to my toes as if that would make me seem taller. They looked at me and nodded. "Thank you." I mumbled into my locker. My next class was chemistry and was my chemistry book in my locker? No, it wasn't. I sighed and slammed my forehead against the inside door that was covered by Tumblr. quotes and photo booth pictures from the boardwalk. Wonderful way to start off the day, Avah.

"Yo! Browen!" Yelled a voice then foot steps ran past us, pushing my locker close against me. Of course it was Chase, Jayce's best friend. I closed my eyes softly and then closed my locker to turn, opening them again.

And there he was. Being tall dark and handsome in the school uniform that hung tightly around his shoulders and chest. His dark hair was brushed back as he laughed at something dumb that Chase said. God, I didn't realize how much I missed that smile. I looked down at the books in my hand and closed my locker, felling someones eyes on me. At first, I thought it was Linda or Jade but when I looked up Linda and Jade were gone. i love how they were so worried about me and now that I might actually need them. I chuckled lightly and looked around, looking for the person that was still staring at me. My eyes locked with Jayce's big light brown ones. It made my heart stop and fall to my stomach with Linda's voices echoing in my head. I didn't want to look away. so i stood there like a dear in headlights, waiting for him to turn away first. But He never did. His pale lips lifted up into a small smile as the bell for class rang, sending everyone else around us rushing to their next class. But us, the guy looking at the small nerdy girl like she was a hot Victoria secret model and that same girl being star stuck over the look he's giving her. I, finally looked away when he took a step in my direction. I looked down for a moment trying to talk my feet into moving. When they did, I looked up to find that Jayce was only a foot away form me.

"Hey Ava," He said. His voice was deeper and smokier then I remembered it to be. You could smell the smoke from cigarettes on him, that was new. He would only drink when I was dating him. I stopped and glanced at him, taking in every detail of him in 2 seconds.

"Bye Jayce," I said before walking away all together, leaving him standing there with his brown eyes following me. A small smile played on my lips. Tall, dark and handsome is back for sure.

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