In The Beginning: Prologue

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In the beginning, the gods of the world were assigned realms—places they were meant to protect. God is in charge of overseeing people and guarding the planet. Dominus, king of the abyssal plains, ruled over the demons. The 7 sins equally ruled the 7 circles of hell, and were the rulers of the devils. At first, the realms were at peace, but soon war broke out between them. Many died, and those that lived decided to make a new realm. This realm shall be called Purgatory. The gods wanted a good realm that was fair and just, without bias or opinion. They chose this realm for decision-making and judgment. When someone died, they were given a percentage. A percentage of how good or bad they were, and the ruler of purgatory would send them to heaven or to the 7 circles. They picked one human named Themis; she was named Lady Justice and Queen of Purgatory. Themis was a unique person who was 100% good. The gods also chose a demon who was 100% bad to be the king. His name was Argon, the ruler of Purgatory. They ruled together and created an amazing realm.

A meeting was arranged to discuss this success. All of the gods met. They expressed thanks to the new rulers. Dominus proposed that they give a gift to Themis, and Argon. The other gods agreed, and each gave them an egg. The eggs were large and heavy. Instead of a soft shell, the outside wore dark pigments with harsh scales. The king and queen returned to their realm in the clouds and awaited the eggs' hatching. Three months had passed when the king began to lose hope, but his wife reassured him. Six months had passed, and the eggs were still dormant. The queen began to lose hope as well. They had nine eggs, and it wasn't until one year later that they hatched. The queen was in labor with her first son. The midwife's suggested walking around the castle to get the baby moving. The queen and her midwives reached the room dedicated to the eggs, and the queen noticed one of the eggs move. She stood up straight and began calling for her husband. Argon came rushing, fearing for his wife. He entered the room and saw the maids and midwives surrounding her. He pushed through the crowd. Themis was laying on the floor, holding two eggs close to her body. Argon was frightened by his wife's behavior.

"Darling, Themis, you must get back in bed." Argon spoke softly. He reached his arms under her legs and held her to his chest. He noticed the eggs moving. His eyes widened, but he did not dare drop his wife. He slowly walked her to the room, both of them fixated on the eggs. Themis is gently lowered onto the sheets, and the eggs roll out of her arms and onto the space next to her. The top of an egg falls open, and a slimy lizard-like creature climbs out with harsh black scales . Themis gasps in pain as her baby signals that he's ready to see the world. Within a second, the second egg hatched, and a similar creature climbed out wareing burnt yellow scales. Both were the same color as their eggs and had the same rough scales along their bodies. The things make their way to the queen. She runs her hand along one of them; they are about the size of a cat. They curl up on her shoulders and intensely watch as the midwives deliver the baby. The baby boy entered the world with very little crying. Themis was handed the baby, which cooed and then stretched. When the baby developed wings behind his back, the parents' eyes widened. They were terrified. Small black feathery wings sprouted from the child. The baby, almost sensing his parents' shock, started to cry. The lizard creatures came to the baby to comfort him, and Themis looked to Argon.

"Is this one of your traits?" she asked in a shaky voice. Argon shook his head, his eyes still locked on the baby.

"Most Demons don't have wings; devils can have wings, but not like that." "Nothing has wings like that." Argon answers, and tears begin to fill the parents' eyes. Their heads are filled with the worst thoughts. Argon sits next to Themis, his hands extended to the baby. He holds him gently, and the lizards follow the baby. Themis lay down and buried her face in her hands. Argon brushes a strand of hair away from her face with his free hand, and the baby reaches for his father's face, drawing his attention back to him. Argon touched his wings gently, and the baby cried. The lizards immediately hissed at argon; they too were growing wings now, similar to the babies. Themis removes her hands to see why the baby is crying. Argon is looking at the lizards and the baby. He looks puzzled until his face lights up. He jumps up with the baby in his arms, and he walks around the room looking at the books aligned with the walls. He grabs one and sits back down. Themis reaches for the baby. The lizards curl into her lap, and the baby starts to play with a string from her blouse.

"Argon, what is troubling you?" He takes a brief glance at her before returning to his book. He begins to flip through the pages until he finds one and stops. When he looked back at his wife, he had an answer to all their questions.


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