Chapter 1: Long Live The Dragonina Family

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They are dragons. Themis and Argon were blessed with the ability to carry and give birth to a new creature known as a dragon-born. Each Dragon-born is a human-dragon hybrid with large, feathery wings that triple the size of their bodies. They have horns and razor-sharp teeth. They have the bodies of humans and eyes like demons. Scales push through their human-like skin making them look like they have vitiligo . Themis and Argon gave birth to five of these dragon-borns. The eggs the monarchs were given were meant for the children that were to come. Except for the last, who received one, each child received two large, healthy dragons.

Argon II is a strong boy with large black wings; his eyes are a dark blue, the normal whites of his eyes also black. He is the first heir to the throne. Although he's cocky and spoiled, he's a great ruler and a great military leader. He is fair and just, and he rules without bias or opinion. He would have made an amazing king.

Nuclei, the second child, was a kind, and quiet man. Although he was tall and lean, his wings were robust and thick. Only he had white wings, making him unique. Although he was very attractive to the village girls, he only had eyes for one of them. He ended up getting married to the village librarian, and choosing to abdicate his throne in her honor.

For Themis and Argon, the third child was the hardest. Argon II and Nuclei were only 4 and 3 years old at the time. Themis learned six months into her pregnancy that her child had a defect and would likely not survive. Even though it hurt, she did everything she could to get the baby to live, and he did. Dimitrious was born without wings, unlike his brothers, and as a result, his spine was damaged. It was well known that dragons required their wings in order to survive because of Dimitrious. Dimitrious was frail and ill, and he required a wheelchair to move around due to the severe damage to his spine. He remained a decent person despite these difficulties. He possessed every dragon quality and then some, despite being without wings. He had large, sturdy horns and smaller horns that trailed down his neck. He took great pride in his knowledge and education. He was among the wisest individuals in all the realms by the time he was old enough to serve as the king's hand. He declined the throne because he was unable to conceive and could not love. Being the king's hand suited him perfectly.

Themis and Argon took a break from having children after Dimitrious was born, but when Dimitrious was four years old, Themis discovered she was pregnant once again. They gave birth to another boy named Theodotus. In many ways, he was like Nuclei, they were like two peas in a pod. He had jet black hair that he would dye for any occasion, and he had black wings that would drag behind him due to their length. His wings were 8 feet long, making his wing span 16 feet and the longest in the family. His eyes were a bright green. Theo had an amazing relationship with the dragons; they all loved and listened to him. He still held his right to the throne, but he later moved to the dragon pits. They rarely ever saw him after that; they only saw him for royal events or military meetings.

The last child they had was a girl named Cato. She was well-built, with a little of each of her brothers in her. She had large black wings like Argon, a kind soul like Nuclei, and horns along her neck like Dimitrious; she also loved to study with him, picking up on some of his knowledge. She was loved by the dragons, like her brother Theo. She loved going to the village, and the people loved her, and defended her many times. Cato was the only one in her family to be born with a gift, a part of her demon side, as it's common for demons to be born with small gifts or abilities. Catos gift was that she could tell if people were lying or telling the truth. A great gift to have in purgatory. Everyone cherished the sweet and innocent princess, but you know me differently, don't you...?


Authers note-

Thank you for reading, this is all I will post for now. please let me know if you would like more <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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