Chapter 18

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My mood, understandably, had changed since the death of my siblings. I was more irritable and I felt like I was getting stressed out more.

The other day, while I was in the common room with Poppy attempting to help me finish my missing class work, a second year had knocked over a plate of sweets that had just been put out. I yelled at them and made them go down to the kitchen to get a fresh plate.

Poppy had had to practically pull me off the kid because I had gotten so angry over something that used to never bother me.

One of the students who sat in the common room while all this happened leaned over to another student asking if I had been placed in the proper house.

"Ava, maybe we should continue studying in our room." Poppy had practically begged as she dragged me away from the tearing up second year.

In charms class the evening before I had to leave the room because the sound of Garreth's quill scratching on his parchment was making me want scream.

Sebastian had followed after me concerned but I had just waved him off. Which only made him follow me more.

"Ava." He called as I hurried outside into the courtyard.

I walked over by the statue representing love or something like that I was too annoyed to remember. I leaned over the edge of the stone railing to catch my breath.

I didn't want to be angry like this. I wanted to go back to being happy all the time.

As I stood there I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders pulling my back against their body. Sebastian let out a soft hum before he kissed my cheek from over my shoulder. He made sure he to make as loud a kiss sound as possible. He knew it annoyed me but honestly if it's him I just couldn't get myself angry.

I turned in his arms so that I was facing him. He kissed my forehead and looked down at me. "What's the matter, my charge?"

I rolled my eyes at his nickname. "Everything is making me so angry all the time."

He nodded listening, "grief does that, love."

"But for this long? It's almost Halloween. They died in august." I was starting to get frustrated with myself but Sebastian leaned in and placed another kiss on my forehead and the stress seemed to melt away a little.

"Grief is not something you get over fast. I still grieve. I grieve Anne, my parents, my uncle even." He pulled me in for a tighter hug. "It just doesn't happen fast."

I was angry. "I need it to be done!"

I tried pulling away but Sebastian's grip around me was stronger than I was so I was forced to stay and feel loved and actually start to calm down all together .

After a few minutes he pulled away, "better?"

I nodded, "I'm sorry."

"Nope. You don't apologize for feeling. Poppy said we have to let you know your feelings are valid."

We sat there a moment longer, "what if the reason I can't feel better is because of all that dark magic locked under the school?"

Sebastian was already shaking his head, "No, love, we aren't going to do that."


"An excursion?" I asked glancing at the parchment Marc handed out at everyone's stations in Herbology.

"Exactly. Most 7th years will be taking a four day trip near the Clagmar Coast. It's actually a trip for the Beasts class but Professor Howin offered for us to join them so we can look for Knotgrass and Dittany." He announced to the class.

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