Chapter 2: Harsh realities

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Milton had never been so nervous in his life.

The village's veterinarian had spent the entire day getting everything ready in his pod. He had a bottle of strawberry juice that he'd made himself, and a tray of lemon lift cupcakes, Smidge's favorites, laying on his knee-high table. He also had a few fancy candles to top it all off.

Milton played the scenario in his head over and over again, making sure he hadn't missed a single detail. After the party tonight he'd invite Smidge to his pod, and they'd eat. Then he'd sing her one of his favorite ballads, tell her how much he loved her, then….

Milton gulped, and pulled something out from his jacket. As light as it was, it felt so heavy in his trembling fingers. This object he was holding could either lead to the greatest day of his life, or a day that'd twist his heart every time he thought about it.

It was a ring.

A silver band with a perfectly cut lemon-flavored rock candy in the center, made by Satin and Chenille. When Milton had made the request, Satin squealed, saying that it was about time. But should he truly do it now? Was a year and a half enough time to ask Smidge for this type of commitment? What if she said no, and their whole relationship was shaken up because of this? Milton didn't know if his heart could take something like that. They hadn't even been… "intimate" yet.

It wasn't that Milton didn't want Smidge in that way. Goodness knows he did. But Smidge was a follower of the teachings of Gah. The dwarf troll couldn't allow someone to bed her out of wedlock.

Now, there was that minor detail. Something he and Smidge just never agreed on. Gahmin.

While it was true that many trolls praised Gahmin as a god, Milton was not one of them. Despite Smidge's many attempts to get him to see otherwise, his thoughts on it never changed. Sure, Gahmin was a wonderful troll in life, and absolutely someone that trolls should aspire to, but that did not make him a god. But he tried not to get into this with Smidge. He hated arguing with her.

Milton thought for a second, what else could he try to make this go well? maybe he'd feel better if he rehearsed his words a little more. With this new idea, the purple troll walked to his couch and gathered a few pillows, three to be exact, and stacked them on top of each other. Ok, this stack of pillows was Smidge. Beautiful, strong, and passionate Smidge. He got on one knee, held out the ring, and took a deep breath.

"Smidge…" Milton said to the pillows. "I know this might be sudden but… I mean…ugh…"

Okay, try again. One, two, and..

"I love you Smidge.." He said to the pillow lookalike. "And I… I…. Wanted to ask you…aaahh!"

Milton hated it. His voice broke every time he tried to do this! It was so frustrating! If he couldn't muster the courage now, how would he do it when it was time for the real thing?

Milton looked out of his window and into the forest. The party to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the great escape would be starting any minute now. Smidge was likely there already, waiting for him. Wondering why he isn't there already.

Milton thought about Smidge. How strong she was. Her unwavering confidence, despite her size. How when she wanted something, nothing would ever stop her from getting it. If the roles were swapped, she'd bust into his pod, sweep him off his feet, and ask for his hand. Knowing all well he'd say yes.

And if she could be that brave, he could too.

With this newfound courage, Milton put the ring in his pocket, and walked out of his pod with a smile on his face. No matter the outcome, he would propose to Smidge today!

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