Chapter 114

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I probably ignored one or even road laws from speeding so much in the dreadful and slow traffic. Luckily there were shortcuts I took because I wasn't going to waste any time from whatever Rachel's clean mind that's transforming into a dirty one, of how smoothly persuasive she was in Alex's room. If I wasn't in the screwed up state of mind, I would drag her long blue dress up to her hips and see how the tables are turned to show her how persuasive I can be but in the back of my mind, my family's drama had to ruin it.

As we get inside of the apartment, I continue hearing Rachel laughing like she had too much to drink when she only had soda. I don't think I have seen her this way with her hair all balled up like rats' nests; she zipped her lips, then gave me the imagine key. I laughed as I put the imaginary key in my pocket and sat down on the leather stool with my jacket on the back of it. I go over towards the thermostat and turn the heat up all the way due. The apartment feels like an ice cube when I'm waiting for Rachel to come out, but I don't hear any sound, "Is everything okay?" I yelled.


I continue hearing Rachel struggling with whatever she's groaning about, put my phone on the counter, "Rach? Is everything okay?" I knock on the door and yell throughout the door. I step away from the door once it opens; immediately my jaw drops as I see her standing in the doorway only wearing wrapping paper.

"Y-Yeah," I cough as being choked up and trying not to be distracted by her half naked body in front of me and only wearing wrapping paper covering certain parts. I'm getting memorized of how every freckle and curve fits on her body perfectly yet the wrapping paper seems to not fit her, "I like the wrapping paper, my little firecracker,".

I think it's hilarious how she's acting like I haven't seen what's underneath when I have millions of times. I seen it all. I touched it all. I would and will do it all over again.

"You like it?" Rachel asks, and spins around with her hands holding on the back of the wrapping paper strip. As she turns back towards me, her face is completely pale with dripping sweat running down her face and chest, "Yeah. I love it but," I go towards her, place my hands on her face, "Rachel, you are burning up,".

"I'm feeling fine," she lies underneath her teeth and I know she's lying because she itches under her nose and she only does when she lies, "I'm feeling hot," she shimmers her shoulders and waves her hand back and forth.

I shake my head then roll my eyes while walking towards the bathroom to grab a few things. I open the long cabinet, grab the thermometer along with some pain relief because I can tell she's in pain. As soon as I get back to the kitchen, Rachel is face down on the couch and her hand is underneath on her stomach, "You can act fine all you want but I'm not falling for it. Are you sick?".

"No," she mumbles through the pillow.

"Did you eat anything bad?".

"No. Leave me alone."

"Geez. Get off your period rag already," I yelled as I got up and grabbed a washcloth and set it down to cool her temperature. But I hear the bedroom door slammed shut, and I swear someone needs to hit me with a frying pan because I didn't mean it that way and I didn't notice she would be on her period, "I'm sorry for making that bloody joke," I started laughing with another period joke.

The door opens, and Rachel comes out of the bedroom still looking pale as wearing sweats and has her hair in a french braid; opens the top cabinet door and tries to grab some potato chips but struggles. I smirk from only being grateful that I got my height from father and reach for the bag and hand it to her, "Here you go. Anything else?" I ask and she points at the dark chocolate bag.

"Thank you and I'm sorry," she wipes a tear from her eyes as shoving a handful of potato chips in her mouth.

"For what?" I close the door, pull my dress shirt from my pants  and unbutton the first few buttons.

"I'm sorry for such a girl and being emotional. I'm usually a baby on my  rage," she grabs another handful of chips. She's a hungry girl, I love a girl with an appetite especially this girl who doesn't care what she eats, "It's no bloody problem. I'm sorry for the last joke. Period,"

I start coughing. Rachel looks like she wants to kill me, "Would you like to be bleeding every time you move ? I don't think so," she snaps out and goes back to the couch with all of her snacks. Damn, she's more feisty as usual.


I carried Rachel to bed once we fell asleep on the couch with her sleeping on my lap while watching The Christmas Carol and I only fell asleep because it was the most boring Christmas movie ever. Rachel and I kept talking about how fast Christmas break is and how different our families were during this time. I just wish there was something I can do.

I didn't mention how I usually spent school breaks with a pack of cigarettes and a pack of beer. But this christmas is a little bit because I can see the shimmer of her brown eyes when they light in the morning when opening presents. The ones I still need to wrap.

I carefully unwrap her leg over my body and put on her other leg and put a throw pillow under her wrist that has the cast on it. It disgusts me that I had something to do with her getting in the accident. I crawl out of bed and quietly grab the bag filled with her presents then go to the living room where it's pitch dark out besides seeing the city lights through the windows. I turn the small lamp on from the side table so I don't completely wake her until a phone starts to ring. I grab Rachel's phone from the couch cushion, "Hello?" I answer.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to wake you," I hear a woman on the other line, "Rachel is sleeping. This is...," I look at myself in the window, "Her friend Ezra,".

"Oh.. hi. I just wanted to call Rachel to make sure she's okay," she said in a concerned way. I'm happy she's the only parent that actually treated Rachel unlike the very unlikely birth parents who only cared about drugs rather than a daughter who got broken by pieces, "Yeah she's okay," I lied.

"Okay. I just let you go, it's late," she answers.

"Wait. When I still get  you on the phone. I want to talk to you about something,". I walk over to the bedroom and quietly close so I don't wake Rachel up.

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